Create a sql query for list last and first names of director

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131066662

Assignment: Multiple Table SQL Queries

Guided discovery for LEFT Join

The following code executes a LEFT JOIN:

SELECT DISTINCT movdir.dirnum, director.lastname, director.firstname

FROM director LEFT JOIN movdir ON director.dirnum = movdir.dirnum

List the last and first names of all directors who have directed only one movie.

List the movie titles that won both best actor and best actress awards.

Reference no: EM131066662

Questions Cloud

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Define a proper fraction : Define a proper fraction, improper fraction, and a mixed number. Why may we want to express a number as a mixed number rather than as an improper fraction?
Examine the process of developing a business plan : Write a one page overview of your plan for the startup funds and working capital strategy for your business plan. Remember, you will take feedback from all submitted portions of your plan, revise, and then submit the final business plan in Week 9.
Create a sql query for list last and first names of director : List the last and first names of all directors who have directed only one movie. List the movie titles that won both best actor and best actress awards.
Describe the scales of measurement : 1. Describe the following variables as quantitative or qualitative, and describe the scales of measurement. A. The distance a student commutes from home to the Berkeley campus.
Determine the change in elevation and the gradient : Choose one of the world's rivers. Using an online source, find and list its latitude and longitude, length, discharge, its point of origin (source), the elevation of its origin (source), where its mouth is located and the elevation of the mouth.
Calculate the effect size as well as a confidence interval : Conduct an appropriate t-test using these data. Based on your results, it is reasonable to conclude that future students would show higher scores after instruction? Why or why not? Calculate the effect size as well as a confidence interval for the ..
What is the material cost for may : What is the material cost for May?


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