Reference no: EM131714927
Assignment: The Anti-Federalists
Prominent Americans wrote essays and gave speeches to support their positions. You will now follow their example by writing and editing your own persuasive argument either for or against ratifying the Constitution. You will find it helpful to complete this Activity on Argument Writing before you begin.
1. Choose whether to argue as a Federalist or as an Anti-Federalist. Review the lesson to make sure you understand their main points.
2. Using quotes from the Federalist and Anti-Federalist Papers, write an opinion article for a newspaper, or create a speech podcast to convince people in your state to agree with your position. Include the following in your speech or article:
- introductory paragraph that clearly states your position as a Federalist or Anti-Federalist
- at least two paragraphs describing differences between the Federalist and Anti-Federalist points of view. Use at least two quotes from each of the Federalist Papers and Anti-Federalist Papers.
- If you would like to explore more of the Federalist Papers and Anti-Federalist Papers to find your own quotes, these sites will be helpful.
- Federalist Papers
* American Studies at the University of Virginia
* The Avalon Project at Yale Law School
* The Law Center at the University of Oklahoma
- Anti-Federalist Papers
* Document Library by Teaching American History
- at least one paragraph to explain why you disagree with the opposing stance. For example, if you have chosen to argue as a Federalist, you will explain why you disagree with the Anti-Federalist position, using quotes from the documents to support your argument.
- strong concluding paragraph that summarizes your argument and encourage others to support you
3. Your argument should be created in a formal style. One important element of formal writing is using third person point-of-view. The sentence "I believe that the Federalist's structure of government" is written from first person point-of-view because it uses the pronoun "I." The sentence "The Federalist's structure of government" is written from third person point-of-view. In formal writing, use third person point-of-view. While you won't really present your work to the Second Continental Congress, you should prepare your argument as if you will be sharing it with a group of very important members of Congress.
4. Edit your work before submitting. Be sure your article or speech has an introduction, a separate paragraph for each point you make, and a strong conclusion. If you choose to make a podcast, be sure you are in character when you perform your speech.
5. There are many 21st century tools available for creating and submitting your work in the online environment. For more information on tools your school uses, contact your instructor or visit the Web 2.0 tools area.
The Anti-Federalists 02.03 Assessment
Please view the Opinion Article or Speech Rubric before starting the assignment.
1. Complete the reading and activities for this lesson.
2. Review your notes for this lesson.
3. Complete and submit your Opinion Article or Speech to 02.03 The Anti-Federalists.
The work contains all of the required elements:
? article or speech
? paragraph clearly stating position
? at least two paragraphs explaining the Federalist Papers and Anti-Federalist point of view.
? Two quotes from the Federalist Papers and two quotes from the Anti-Federalist Papers.
? at least one paragraph arguing against selected quotes
? concluding paragraph that summarizes position and persuades.