Create a small staff devoted to experimenting with products

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131667444

You are to write a one-page, typed homework assignment. The font should be no smaller than 12-point. Please take the perspective of a senior marketing manager making marketing recommendations to upper management (CEO, CFO, CMO, etc.). 

The memo should not be a rehash of the facts of the case, but rather a summary of your recommendations for how the company should move forward, and the supporting rationale. 

These memos should be well written and professionally presented.  Please use the following format:

Key Issue/Issues (concise statement)



Recommendations (to address the issue/s)



3. (or however many you think are appropriate)

Rationale (to support your recommendations)



3.  (support for each recommendation)


Key Issue/Issues:

1- Lack of Online Presence and Social Media

2-Outdated Product Portfolio


1- Create a more user-friendly website

        Include company history

        Sell family packs of most popular products online

        Highlight freshness and convenience

        Include games/giveaways


A.   Get rid of poor selling products, open up budget for new products

B.   Create a small staff devoted to experimenting with new potential products 

C.   Provide samples for customers that order online

Rationale (to support your recommendations)


?       Website allows for easier navigation, longer visits, and returning visitors

?       Educates consumers on CFI history, ownership model, employment culture

?       Introduces online market with established, popular products

?       Game/giveaways bring younger visitors


?       Experimenting on a small scale prevents a failed product launch

?       Capitalizing and promoting "family-owned" feel through consumer engagement and personalized service

?       Follow up survey brings more visitors to company website

Reference no: EM131667444

Questions Cloud

Compute the gross-margin percentage for each product : Compute the gross-margin percentage for each product sold in November, using the following methods for allocating the $210,000 joint costs.
Career aspirations or current employment : What ways have you contributed to your community, work or charitable organization? Beyond your career aspirations or current employment
What types of distribution channel metrics : What types of distribution channel metrics are used in the B2C market?
When selecting a candidate for a retail associate position : Discuss your decision-making process for determining a final match when selecting a candidate for a retail associate position.
Create a small staff devoted to experimenting with products : Take the perspective of a senior marketing manager making marketing recommendations to upper management (CEO, CFO, CMO, etc.).
Identify the correlation coefficient for data set : Identify the correlation coefficient for this data set using SPSS - Explain whether the researcher should retain or reject the null hypothesis
Variety of electronic communication media : Discuss the inherent benefits and drawbacks to the variety of electronic communication media used in business and industry.
Comparable to its domestic counterparts : Comparable to its domestic counterparts? Explain. Comparable to U.S. or other industrialized country firms in its comparable industry?
Managers use influencing for the good of the organization : Do you believe that most managers use influencing for the good of the organization,


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