Create a small menu-based application for a restaurant

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM133256643

Assignment description

In this lab assignment, you will create a small menu-based application for a restaurant named "Hamilton Hamburgers." You will implement the basic Java concepts such as decision-making structures, looping statements, strings, and exception-handling mechanisms.

o ELO 1. Solve processing problems in Java using the Input-Processing-Output model.
o EOP 1.1. Describe Java's primitive data types.
o EOP 1.2. Compare primitive data types to reference data types.
o EOP 1.3. Explain the importance of typecasting and promotion.
o EOP 1.4. Use correct Java Syntax to get input from standard input, process it using basic arithmetic and String operations, and output the result to standard output.
o EOP 1.5. Use Java arithmetic expressions, Boolean expressions, selection statements. and repetition statements to solve basic computing problems.
o EOP 1.6. Use arrays to solve basic computing problems.
o EOP 1.7. Use exception handling techniques to recover from run-time errors gracefully.

To complete this assignment, compile and execute the following Java program:

1 Review the rubric to understand the expectation of this assignment.

2. Print the name of the restaurant at the top.

3. Print the following menu for Hamilton Hamburgers:


Type of Burger



Veggie Burger



Deluxe Veggie Burger



Chicken Burger



Cheese Chicken Burger



Cheese Bacon Burger



Deluxe Bacon Burger



Healthy Organic Burger





4. Ask the user to select the items from the menu using numbers (1 to 8).

5. Add an exception if the customer is selecting any other option apart from 1 to 8 OR not selecting any option.

6. Ask for the quantify after each item is selected.

7. Once the selection is done. the user needs to press 8 to quit.

8. Find the total price after multiplying each quantity by their price.

9. Add 13% tax to the total amount.

10. If the bill is more than S50. then apply a 5% discount to the users order.

11. If the bill is more than 5100. then apply a 10% discount to the users order

12. Take the order from 5 different customers using loops.

13. Print the total billing amount and take a screenshot for each order.

14. Download the Assignment 1 Student Template and add the screenshots to the template.

15. Export all Java codes into a zip file.

16. Submit the zip file and the Assignment 1 Student Template to this Submission Folder using the following naming convention

Reference no: EM133256643

Questions Cloud

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Define forgiveness-gratitude and humility : Define forgiveness, gratitude and humility in what it means to you. How important are forgiveness, gratitude and humility to you?
Create a small menu-based application for a restaurant : Assignment: Create a Menu-Based Application Using Java - create a small menu-based application for a restaurant named Hamilton Hamburgers
Define juvenile delinquency : Define juvenile delinquency and discuss some of the variables that might either encourage or prevent it.
Pay particular attention to visual self-recognition test : Read the section discussing the Developing Sense of Self in infants carefully. Pay particular attention to the visual self-recognition tests
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What are cohort effects : What are "cohort effects?" What are the research-psychology definitions of "sample" and "population".


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