Create a simulation of the traffic and intersections

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Reference no: EM131900175

Assignment -

Transportation - Development was typically approved one project at a time with little consideration to cumulative impacts in form of deterioration of levels of service (LOS) on roadways and increasing delays

Procedure -

  • Determine if proposed development can be accommodated within the existing or planned transportation system.
  • Identify improvements beyond those already anticipated that can accommodate the proposed development.
  • Determine how developments of significant size can occur so as not to adversely affect traffic operations or safety near the site.
  • Identify intersections that might be affected
  • Identify is the level of service will be degrades - longer times between lights, longer delays, etc
  • Create a simulation of the traffic and intersections
  • Add future expected demands
  • Add development demands
  • Determine impacts
  • Create scenarios to minimize impacts
  • Design useful improvements to improve traffic flow and reduce delays

Develop the Following to Analyze

  • Select aerial photographs to initiate the drawing. It is very important to accurately measure the width and length of the images to prevent errors.
  • Import data to the software package and after the pictures are properly scaled, the legs and the sections are created.
  • The turning lanes are added in the appropriate directions from southbound, northbound, westbound, and eastbound.
  • Incorp signals based to their orientation directions.
  • The signal timing is calibrated in the master control plan.
  • Using traffic data obtained from the local traffic agency, the access points percentages and the number of cars are determined.
  • Key times of concern (typically rush hour) are identified for the worst case scenario analysis.
  • Vehicles including trucks, pedestrians, bicycles, buses, and trains, as applicable are added to the model.

Then Simulate and adjust to optimize improvements.

Attachment:- Assignment Files.rar

Reference no: EM131900175

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3/13/2018 6:56:28 AM

I need to add one more file to my order to help you see what I need. I attached to u old report from my friend my work should be kind of same, you have to do some research, use book, websites anything you want miami dade county (site location). The file I attached to you in different area but the concepts are the same.

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