Create a simulation class in c++

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Reference no: EM13936359

Create a simulation race between the tortoise and the hare. For this project, use random-number generation to move the creatures. To make things more interesting, the animals have to race up the side of a slippery mountain, which could cause them to lose ground. In this race either animal could win or there could be a tie with no clear winner.

The animals begin at "Square 1" of 70 squares. Each of the squares represents a position the animal can hold along the racetrack. The finish line is at Square 70. When an animal wins, a winning message of your choice should be posted. For example:

• Yay! The rabbit won! He hops the fastest!

• Woo-hooo! Slow and steady wins the race! Congratulations, turtle!

• Tie score--no winner! Want to race again?

To start the race, print a message similar to:

• Bang! Off they go!

There is a clock that ticks once per second. With each tick of the clock, your program should adjust the position of the animals according to the following rules:

Animal Move Type Percentage of the

Tortoise Fast Plod 50% 3 squares to the right

Tortoise Slip 20% 6 squares to the left

Tortoise Slow Plod 30% 1 squares to the right

Hare Sleep 20% No move at all

Hare Big Hop 20% 9 squares to the right

Hare Big Slip 10% 12 squares to the left

Hare Small Hop 30% 1 square to the right

Hare Small Slip 20% 2 squares to the left


Keep track of the positions of the animals by using variables. If an animal slips, the lowest it can go is back to position 1. The highest it can go is to position 70 when it wins the race.

You will work with the percentages in the table above by generating a random integer current in the range 1 <current ≤ 10.

For the tortoise, a "fast plod" is when 1 ≤ current ≤ 5, a "slip" when 6 ≤ current ≤ 7, or a "slow plod" 8 ≤ current ≤ 10. A similar approach would be used to set up the moves for the hare.

For each tick of the clock (each repetition of the loop), print a 70-position line showing the letter T in the tortoise's position and the letter H in the hare's position. If the two animals land on the same square, which may happen, the animals will bump. If this happens, print BUMP! at the current position. (There is no Bump penalty for either animal.)

After you print each line, check to see if either animal has landed on Square 70. If this happens, print a winning-type message.

It will make the simulation more interesting if you have the user press any key after each iteration of the loop, so that they can see the movement of the animals.

Reference no: EM13936359

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