Create a simple trivia game for two players

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM131921932

Assignment -

Exercise 1 - Retail Item Class

Write a class named RetailItem that holds data about an item in a retail store. The class should store the following data in attributes: item description, units in inventory, and price.

Once you have written the class, write a program that creates three RetailItem objects and stores the following data in them:



Units in Inventory


Item #1




Item #2

Designer Jeans



Item #3




Exercise 2 - Cash Register

This exercise assumes you have created the RetailItem class for Programming Exercise 1. Create a CashRegister class that can be used with the RetailItem class. The CashRegister class should be able to internally keep a list of RetailItem objects. The class should have the following methods:

  • A method named purchase_item that accepts a RetailItem object as an argument. Each time the purchase_item method is called, the Retail_Item object that is passed as an argument should be added to the list.
  • A method named get_total that returns the total price of all the RetailItem objects stored in the CashRegister object's internal list.
  • A method named show_items that displays data about the RetailItem objects stored in the CashRegister object's internal list.
  • A method named clear that should clear the CashRegister object's internal list.

Demonstrate the CashRegister class in a program that allows the user to select several items for purchase. When the user is ready to check out, the program should display a list of all the items he or she has selected for purchase, as well as the total price.

Exercise 3 - Trivia Game

In this programming exercise, you will create a simple trivia game for two players. The program will work like this:

  • Starting with player 1, each player gets a turn at answering 5 trivia questions. (There should be a total of 10 questions.) When a question is displayed, 4 possible answers are also displayed. Only one of the answers is correct, and if the player selects the correct answer, he or she earns a point.
  • After answers have been selected for all the questions, the program displays the number of points earned by each player and declares the player with the highest number of points the winner.

Reference no: EM131921932

Questions Cloud

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