Create a simple survey

Assignment Help PHP Web Programming
Reference no: EM13159242

Create a simple survey form that posts to a PHP script and then saves the form inputs to a file. The program should then respond with a display of the information contained in the file including the latest post. Modify your index.html page to include a link to this page. Your form should have a theme - in other words, don't just post a simple form post - make it worthy of putting on the web.. You may review others code, but do not just duplicate other assignments or other examples.
Create an PHP that opens and writes to a logfile (there are examples on the assignment).
Make sure the location of the logfile is in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\logfiles
Put the PHP in your home directory.
Run it and check to see it worked.
Run the POST operation and save the posted data to the text file in the logfiles directory.
Include sufficient comments in your source code.

Reference no: EM13159242

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