Reference no: EM133777569
Web Turtle Branching Assignment Overview
In this assignment you will create a simple BRANCHING program using the Web Turtle site. You will use the different examples and command information available in the site to guide you in completing the assignment.
Web Turtle Branching Assignment Video
View this video for an introduction of BRANCHING programming within the Web Turtle site using the IF and ELSE commands. Make sure to watch it for critical information you will need to complete this project.
Web Turtle Branching Assignment Submission Instructions
Complete the following steps to submit your assignment correctly for full credit.
After you have created your original program code, run it by clicking on the "Draw It!" button.
After running your code, make sure you adjust the code pane to display all of your code.
Now that you have your code and results displayed, take a screenshot of your code (right pane) and the display outcome (left pane).