Create a simple ATM script

Assignment Help Python Programming
Reference no: EM132238903

Assignment - ATM Script

A function is a named series of statements. Invoking a function's name, known as a function call, causes the function's statements to execute. Python comes with a number of built-in functions, such as input(), int(), type(), and others. A programmer can also create a new function using the def keyword, the new function's name, and a block of statements. A block is a series of indented statements following the function definition.

To call a function, use the function's name followed by braces: function_name(). This causes execution to jump to the function's statements. The function's return causes execution to jump back to where the original call occurred, to the next statement after the call. A good practice is to follow the convention of naming functions with lowercase letters and underscores, such as print names or print_face.

Your task for this project is to create a simple ATM script. The script emphasizes the importance of using functions in the creation of more organized and reusable code.

You will be working on this project in the Project: ATM Script module in Codio on this project. Following the directions in that module, you will also be able to determine the exact placement of the comments you will need to make in the code. Follow the directions in the module in Codia to walk through the activity.

Your script should do the following three things:

1. Collect customer input.

2. Calculate the ending balance.

3. Display the results to the customer.

Specifically, your script should address the following critical elements:

I. In Your Script (Annotated Text File)

Refer to the directions in the module in Codio for how to export out and comment your completed script.

A. Identify examples of custom functions in your script using comments in your code.

B. Identify examples of input (parameters) that are utilized within the function(s) in your script using comments in your code.

C. Identify examples of functions that return the correct output in your script using comments in your code.

II. Applying Your Experience

Making mistakes when you learn to write code is common. It is part of learning. What is important is developing the skill of learning how to understand your errors and then fix them (debugging). For this part of your final project, you will respond to the following:

A. Reflecting on your experience with this activity, explain the importance of knowing how and when to use and modify custom functions, inputs (parameters) within functions, and functions to return the correct output. Support your response with examples from the activity of the types of errors and your method for fixing them.

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Reference no: EM132238903

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2/21/2019 12:47:10 AM

This is a codio project. The instructions are attached along with two versions of text files of what I had already started with. I need this to be thoroughly completed per the instructions. The critical elements criteria need to be captured as well as notes for each function.


2/21/2019 12:47:03 AM

Guidelines for Submission: Your submission should include all annotated text files of code for the script, as well a Microsoft Word document that includes the reflection part of your assignment in which you explained the problem solving approaches you employed (critical element II). Custom functions - Identifies examples of custom functions in your script using comments in your code. Input (Parameters) Function(s) - Identifies examples of input (parameters) that are utilized within the function(s) in your script using comments in your code.


2/21/2019 12:46:57 AM

Functions That Return Correct Output - Identifies examples of functions that return the correct output in your script using comments in your code. Applying your experience - Experience Explain how using functions is important in the creation of more organized and reusable code, and submission is supported with examples from the activity about the types of errors and your method for fixing them. Articulation of Response – Submission is free of errors related use of citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, and organization and is presented in a professional and easy-to-read format.

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