Create a secure parts inventory catalog system

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM1379050


You will create a secure Parts Inventory Catalog system using Model 2 architecture. The application will require a user to have the proper access right to enter the system, and when satisfied, presents the catalog of items currently available in the inventory.

Accessing the system, an authorized user will be able to see the list of items (in the ItemsCatalog page) and get the detailed information about each of them when selecting a specific item in that list ( the detail data will be presented in the ItemDetails page, where a user will be redirected when making a specific item selection from the list ).

If possessing administrative access , a user will be also able to access the NewItem page, which allows to collect a new item data as entered by the admin user and processes that data to be stored in the ItemsCatalog.txt flat file. The same file should be used to fill-in the items list in the ItemsCatalog page , and to display all selected item details in the ItemsDetails page.

You will create an initial ItemsCatalog,txt flat file storing data for a few items. Each item data should include ID, Name, Description, Price, QuantityInStock. When a user sees the ItemsCatalog page, the list of item Names (only) should be retrieved from the file and displayed in a combobox or a listbox. When a user makes a selection of a particular item, processing should be forwarded to the ItemsDetails page, where all data for the item selected should be retrieved from the file and shown in a proper set of textboxes. If a user has the administrative rights, the link "Go to New Item Page" should be displayed, and an admin user should be allowed to go to the NewItem pageto insert new item data to the ItemsCatalog file.

Implementations of the project may vary - but you need to use servlets , JSPs, JavaBeans, session management, and combination-programmic Web security management to make you application functional and secure. You might consider creating a custom Item business class/bean, each object of which will be able to store data for a particular item as retrieved from the flat file. A use of an ArrayList for all such Item objects could serve as a reasonable temporary container for all Items data stored in a flat text file.

You are not using a database /database access in this project, no DBMS of any kind should be involved.

you will use JSP pages for the view, a servlet(s) as a controller, JavaBeans and ordinary Java classes as the model.

When completed , please .zip the whole NetBeans project folder containing your Web application. Make sure it includes all the files (e.g., configuration ones), and all resources which your application uses ( e.g., a flat file with the list of items has to be located inside the project folder, and the relative paths are to be used in the codes accessing that file - no absolute paths of the type C:\MyLocalFolder\MySubfolder; it prevent your .war file to be functional on the UMUC server).

Reference no: EM1379050

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