Reference no: EM131005551
Question: Algorithm Concepts
Project 1 - Sorting Algorithm
Work in teams of up to 3 to create a set of algorithms in Java (or Python, or C++, or php). The algorithms you implement are the following:
- two sorting algorithms
- one search algorithm
The sorting algorithms receive an array of input integers and sort them. The input array may be read from a file or directly from the user/ keyboard (your choice). The number of integers in the array may be up to 100,000.
The search function receives a number and confirms whether the number is in the array or not.
. Create two different sort functions (insertionSort, merge sort,quickSort...) which take an array and the array length. The algorithms you choose must be efficient.
. They should sort the array into ascending order.
. They should print the elements of the array (using a loop and the ? System.out.print(x) function).
. Create a "masterSort" function that will call the appropriate sort function depending on the length of the array. ?
. Create a "search" function that can search for an integer in the array.?
. Take input from the user - "Enter a number to search for in the array". ?
. If the number is in the array print "Yes, the number you entered is in the array" otherwise print "No, the number you entered is not in the array".
There should be a comment above each line of algorithm code explaining what is happening at each step
At the top of the file, as a comment, you must include:
- The name and student numbers of members of the group
- Information about how exactly to run and use the program.
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