Create a schema with appropriate privileges

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131290553 , Length:


1. Create and maintain a database server

2. Manage database instances

3. Manage database storage

Task # 1

1 Submit a work proposal for this assignment
- Understanding of deliverables - a detail description of deliverables
- General overview of proposed plan - initial understanding of solution for the task-2 to task-3.
- Resources identified

The work proposal must be submitted in a word file through the link available in Moodle.

Task # 2 Arabian Beats is a company that organizes musical events in Sultanate of Oman. The company maintains information about its member music bands and the recording they have made. Each music band (A music band is defined by its registration number, name, location and rating) has at least one and possibly many musicians (A musician is defined by his identity number, name and the instrument he plays). A musician belongs to exactly one music band.

A musician has exactly one university degree (A degree has a number, name and degree certificate has name of the degree awarding university). A degree is awarded to more than one musician. The music band has more than one composition to their credit (A composition has composition id, name and rating).

A particular composition is recorded exactly by a music band. Each composition is directed by a music director (Music director has identification number, name and address). A music director may not direct any composition or may direct more than one composition. A music director has exactly one university degree.


In view of the given scenario discuss the following:

a) As DBA discuss how would you Monitor database performance for Arabian Beats.

b) As a database administrator perform the following tasks: [Lab demo is required to manage instance for the above scenario. There will be no marks without a lab demo. The lab demo schedule will be announce in week #8]

1. Create appropriate tablespace for the above scenario as per OFA.
2. Create a Schema with appropriate privileges and use the above created (1i)tablespace as default table space.
3. Create appropriate tables for the above ER-Diagram by identifying and adding foreign keys to the required entities as per the scenario.
4. Create at least four views of which two should be complex views.
5. Create two indexes.
6. Create two synonyms.

Task # 3

The web link to a research paper related with database security is given below: Baccam S., "SANS Oracle Database Security Course author/instructor", 2015, database-security-secure-34885

(this link is given in college Moodle webpage)

Discuss the following in your own words:

a) Discuss the need of having database security in any institution aslo as DBA what you need to secure.

b) Discuss the differeces between the Authentication and Auditing with appropriate example .

- The solution must be in your words and should not exceed 3 pages.
- The given research paper is for your reference only and you may refer various authentic resources and provide the references for the same.
- You may include necessary examples and diagrams if any.

Verified Expert

This report is to write about the Database Monitoring, Database Security and Difference between Authentication & Audit. This report is written in 1000 words.

Reference no: EM131290553

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Create a schema with appropriate privileges : Create a Schema with appropriate privileges and use the above created (1i)tablespace as default table space - create appropriate tables for the above ER-Diagram by identifying and adding foreign keys to the required entities as per the scenario.
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11/25/2016 6:05:57 AM

Task 2 Question (a)...and task 3 Question (a and b).1. Create and maintain a database server 2. Manage database instances 3. Manage database storage


11/25/2016 6:04:46 AM

Task 1 Submission of work proposal • Objectives of the Assignment clearly identified: poor/ fair / clear • Initial understanding of Task -2 and Task-3: poor/fair/clear • Resources identified: poor/fair/clear Deliverables Aspects 0-15 16-35 36-55 Marks Task 2 Create & maintain database server and manage instances Poor / weak / mostly incomplete analysis some concepts are clear / limited / fair anlaysis Good / very good / excellent understanding of the concepts Deliverables Aspects 0-7 8-20 21-35 Marks Task 3 Manage database storage Poor / weak analysis some concepts are clear / limited analysis Good / very good / excellent understanding of the concepts


11/25/2016 6:04:33 AM

Undertake operations required of a Database Administrator Critical Thinking, Analytical, Comparing, Contrasting, Decision-making, Researching, Making judgment about complex issues, Communicate conclusions effectively. Manage client-server connections using RDBMS Net Services Critical Thinking, Analytical, Cognitive, Interactive, Collaborative skills, Problem Solving, Evaluating Evidence, Demonstrate Practical Skills, Communicate conclusions effectively. Evaluate requirements and select appropriate parameters to ensure effective storage management in a database system. Critical Thinking, Analytical, Comparing, Contrasting, Decision-making, Researching, Making judgment about complex issues, Communicate conclusions effectively


11/25/2016 6:04:11 AM

Follow the guidelines mentioned below for your assignment: ? Assignment must be submitted through Moodle and it will undergo plagiarism detection test through Turnitin ( a plagiarism detection tool). ? Handwritten assignments / hard copy will not be accepted. ? Use Page Number & proper References. ? Assignment should have a Title Page. Title Page should contain the following information. ? Assignment Name ? Section Name ? Student name ? Student ID Number ? Faculty Name ? The Table of Contents should have, each deliverable task number, content, page number ? Assignment should be typed in your own words using Times New Roman font size 12. ? Heading should be with Font Size 14, Bold, Underline


11/25/2016 6:04:03 AM

There will be no marks without a viva. Viva will be used as a means to measure the originality of your work. You would be evaluated on the following: • Originality of answer, i.e. writing in your own words with some amount of referenced material. • Viva: Your Assignment marks are based on the VIVA which will be conducted upon submission of assignment. The VIVA will be based on the tasks given in the assignment. ZERO marks will be awarded to the student if she / he is absent for VIVA. • Correct information analysis and presentation in document form. • Adequate referencing and citation provided • Examples and diagrams can be provided if needed

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