Create a sample frequency distribution for one of variable

Assignment Help Applied Statistics
Reference no: EM131356493

Psychological statistics: Research Design Questions

Suppose you are a researcher who wants to evaluate which type of course-delivery format (online, blended, or face-to-face) leads to the best performance in a psychological statistics class. In a paper, identify the following:

· What is your research question? (Please remember to focus your study on the evaluation of the various types of course delivery for statistics courses.)

· What is your hypothesis (both null and alternate)?

· Is this a qualitative or quantitative design (based on type of variable collected) and why?

· What would be an example of a variable for this study of course delivery formats that could be measured on a nominal scale? Ordinal scale? Interval scale? Ratio scale?

· Once you have collected your data on the effectiveness of the various types of course delivery for a statistics course, would you use inferential or descriptive statistics and why?

· Create a sample frequency distribution for one of the variables. Choose either a simple or grouped frequency distribution and explain your choice.

Reference no: EM131356493

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