Create a sales tracking program named

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Reference no: EM13775879


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You must create a sales tracking program named This program must track monthly sales as well as compute average yearly sales, total sales for the year, and which month had the highest sales and which month had the lowest sales.

The program should prompt the user for the sales for each month starting with January. After all the monthly sales have been entered, your program should have methods that do the following.

getSales(): This method prompts the users for the sale for each month. The return value for this method will be the amount that the user entered. This amount should be stored and returned into the corresponding location in the monthlySales array. For example, January sales should be stored in the first location, February sales should be stored in the second location, and so forth. This method should be enclosed in a loop to facilitate this process.

computeTotalSales(monthlySales): This method receives the monthly sales array as an argument and returns the total sales of the year.
computeAverageSales(monthlySales): This method receives the monthly sales array as an argument and returns the average sales for the year.

computeHighestMonth(monthlySales): This method receives the monthly sales array as an argument. This method will search and compare the values of the monthly sales array for the highest value. Once the highest value has been determined, it will store the value in the value that corresponds with the index of that month. The method will return the index of the month with the highest value.
computeLowestMonth(monthlySales): This method receives the monthly sales array as an argument. This method will search and compare the values of the monthly sales array for the lowest value. Once the lowest value has been determined, it will store the value in the value that corresponds with the index of that month. The method will return the index of the month with the lowest value.
displaySaleInfo(totalSales, averageSales, highestMonth, highestSales, lowestMonth, lowestSales): This method will receive the total yearly sales, average monthly sale, the month with the highest sales, as well as the sales for that month and the month with the lowest sales. This method will display all of the data it received as arguments.

All methods must be called from the main method. Sales amounts should be rounded to two decimal places. You should use parallel arrays. Your first array (monthArray) should be initialized with all of the months. This array should have 12 locations of course. Your other array should be named monthlySales. Like your monthArray, this array should be 12 locations and be populated with the getSales( ) method.

Reference no: EM13775879

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