Create a safe working environment

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Reference no: EM133301298

6MA037 Human Factors and Cockpit Ergonomics - University of Wolverhampton

Learning Outcome 1: Critically apply knowledge of the principles of Human Factors and ergonomics through the systematic investigation of complex issues to produce safe, efficient and cost-effective solutions in the aviation/aerospace industry

Learning Outcome 2: Apply Human Factors and ergonomic theories to practical case studies in which aviation- related scenarios are analysed.

Learning Outcome 3: Critically evaluate research findings and theories in the area of Aviation Human Factors.

Learning Outcome 4: Demonstrate the skills and qualities required of a Human Factors professional (e.g. demonstration of ethical and legal considerations; critical reflection and personal responsibility) in the safety-critical aviation environment.

Assignment Brief:

Cabin crew and passengers remain at the heart of aviation safety, as such, the need for careful consideration of Human Factors continues to increase. The Aviation Industry requires a strong commitment to and understanding of human performance issues in addition to engineering excellence to meet the safety performance and business requirements of all stakeholders. Therefore, as an aerospace engineer, it is expedient to have an in-depth understanding of the aerospace industry requirements to ensure safety, efficient performance, and cost reduction through the application of Human Factors in Aviation skills and knowledge.

In order to carry out this assignment, you first need to conduct thorough research into Human Factors and ergonomic related issues in regard to the aerospace industry. This report will assess your application of knowledge and skills within the aerospace industry, your personal reflections, as well as your ability to relate and translate theoretical concepts into a real-life situation. Select any ONE of the following titles for your research and coursework.

Question 1: Explain how the automation of aircraft in ‘new generation' systems can create preconditions for unsafe acts. Give two examples from case studies of how automation has been a key player in incidents where serious injury, loss of life or aircraft destruction has taken place.

Question 2: The Douglas DC 10 was considered by many to be a ‘bad, unsafe' aircraft. Critically examine its safety record and determine whether this is justified in engineering design, manufacture and maintenance terms. How much of this can be mainly attributed to Human Factors, using at least four accidents.

Question 3: Within an aircraft hangar environment, how would you encourage safe working practices? Critically examine aspects of safety that you would expect to be in force in order to create a safe working environment. Wherever possible refer to relevant UK legislation and CAA requirements.

Question 4: Boeing employ a ‘Tier' system in their supply chain. Explain what this entails and examine how such a system could be affected by international factors, such as the COVID pandemic and the UK leaving the European Union.

Question 5: What mnemonic or acronym has been used as a memory jogger to characterize Human Factors in aviation maintenance? Identify the four considerations and explain how they each impact on aviation maintenance, giving examples based on case studies for each one.

Question 6: What mnemonic or acronym has been used as a memory jogger to characterize Human Factors in aviation maintenance? Identify the four considerations and explain how they each impact on aviation maintenance, giving examples based on case studies for each one.

Verified Expert

The report is about DC 10 flight crashes that occurred in the time lines.An overview of design flaws along with manufacturing and maintenance factors responsible for accidents discussed about.Also discussed is human factor perspective.References are included.

Reference no: EM133301298

Questions Cloud

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Create a safe working environment : Explain how the automation of aircraft in ‘new generation' systems can create preconditions for unsafe acts
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