Create a RESTful service to perform CRUD operations

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM132246260

Java EE Programming Assignment - RESTful Service and Client with JSON

Overview - In Assignment, you create a RESTful service to perform CRUD operations on a data structure that stores information about customers. Think of the information as a dataset that may be accessed by many applications used by different departments in a company or even outside of the company. In addition to the service, you create a client program. In this assignment, you build and test the service and one client on the same workstation. In production mode, the service would be deployed to a server so many different clients running on different computers can use it. The client program that you create for this assignment is designed to test that the service works.

Your service makes the functionality of the CustomerManager class available to remote clients. Your client program issues the HTTP requests to the service and interprets the returned results. URIs identify the resource (the customer of interest) and the HTTP verb specifies whether the customer is to be Created, Retrieved, Updated or Deleted. Customer information is passed between the client and the service in JSON notation. The client program runs in Java SE.

To submit your solution, upload two files:

  • A WAR for the server side because RESTful services are deployed in Web applications.
  • A JAR file for the client side because the client runs as an ordinary Java SE program.

Instructions -

1. In this document, when you see a project name that starts Your Name or a package name that starts, substitute your group name. This naming convention identifies your code for marking.

2. Open Eclipse to a new workspace and work in the Java EE perspective.

3. If in a new workspace (always recommended) create a new instance of the Wildfly server and start the server.

4. Create a New Dynamic Web Project for Service.

5. Create a New Java Project for Client.

6. Add the JARs that provide the RESTEasy API to the classpath of the client.

7. Create a class to implement your service. It will have a method for each operation.

8. Add a getCustomer() method to your service class. This method receives an account no as a String argument. The return type must be JsonObject.

9. Add a getAllCustomers() method. It has no argument.

10. When both get operations work from a browser, start to code the client.

11. Create two classes your client class.

12. Add the method to get a customer to your client class.

13. Test by running the Tester class as a Java application.

14. Make a helper class that has methods to convert between Customer objects from JSON notation.

15. Continue by adding methods addCustomer(), updateCustomer () and deleteCustomer () to your service class and your client class.

16. Save and close all source files and then test again.

17. Submit your solution.

18. Shut down properly (always).

Attachment:- Assignment File.rar

Reference no: EM132246260

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3/1/2019 8:48:46 PM

No database is involved: the customer information is stored in memory and accessed by the class CustomerManager from assignment 1. Your starting position is a based on the solution to assignment 1. Do not modify the start-up code except as instructed in the instructions and/or comments in the code. RESTful services are decoupled from their clients. There is no need to have the any of the same types in both service and client code. In this assignment, it is just convenient to reuse classes Customer, Account, Address and the ImproperInputException exception that setters in the JavaBeans can throw.


3/1/2019 8:48:38 PM

Tips to ensure you always test the latest code and avoid corrupting your workspace - When you think you are ready for a test, make sure the project has no compile errors. Also try to eliminate compiler warnings. A few warnings -- such type safety with generics -- cannot be avoided. Close all editor windows before you add the Web project to the server. Verify that the WAR is deployed before you test from a Web browser or by running the client program. After running a test, remove the Web project from the server before modifying any code in the Web project.

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