Create a researchable question

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM131524756

The purpose of this lab is to have you post a potential research topics for your term project.

Create a "researchable" question, i.e., one that can be answered by collecting numerical data and using the notions of hypothesis testing and Inferential Statistics; e.g., the dependent variable needs to be a numerical measure, which is at least at the Interval or Ratio level. and the independent variable should be a categorical variable with at least two levels at the Nominal or Ordinal level (unless you plan to do a Pearson Correlation). Your researchable question should be designed as an If...then statement. For example, ifgender influences emotional behavior, then males will demonstrate different emotional responses to similar situations than women will.

Reference no: EM131524756

Questions Cloud

New approach to quality and performance management : From the e-Activity, determine one (1) key differentiating factor between new approach to quality and performance management that you chose and past approach.
Identify your independent and dependent variables : Identify your independent and dependent variables and their measures (response categories). The measures must be clear.
Principle behind the critical path method : What is the principle behind the Critical Path Method? How does this affect Project Management?
What is the company cost of equity capital : David Ortiz Motors has a target capital structure of 40 percent debt and 60 percent equity. The yield to maturity on the company's outstanding bonds.
Create a researchable question : Create a "researchable" question - one that can be answered by collecting numerical data and using the notions of hypothesis testing
Workplace communication problems : Based on the article from the weekly required readings entitled, "Workplace communication problems: Inquiries by employees and applicable solutions
Is there an interaction between your two variables : Exploratory Data Analysis. Is there an interaction between your two variables? If so, using post hoc tests, describe these differences.
Describe in detail what data collection methods would use : Describe in detail what data collection methods would you use, why these data collection methods not others, who is your target sample
What is the company''s cost of preferred stock : Tunney Industries can issue perpetual preferred stock at a price of $50 a share. The issue is expected to pay a constant annual dividend of $3.80 a share.


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