Create a report to the management of the organisation

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Reference no: EM132146269

Assignment - Business Process Redesign Report

In this assignment you will analyse, model and design improvement to a business process from a real organisation of your choice.Your submission will take the form of a report to the organisation from which the process comes. Internal students should work groups of two but pairs must be formed within the workshop, not across workshops. External students will be able to use the Discussion forum to find another student to work with. When choosing who to work with, carefully consider the following points:

- You must be able to identify a process that one of you has sufficient information about to succeed in undertaking the work required for this report
- You must be confident that the person you are planning to work with has a commitment to the work that is equal to yours. Equal marks will be given to each student.

To do

To successfully complete the assignment, you should:
- Identify a business process to use as the basis for the assignment. An ideal business process is one from an organisation where you have worked or a community organisation you have been involved with (e.g. sporting club). This close association is best because it means that you will have the depth of understanding of the chosen process needed to model it accurately, and understanding of the issues associated with it that could be addressed by business process improvement. If this is not possible you must interview someone else to gain knowledge about a process they are involved with. If you are unsure what to use please discuss it with your Unit Coordinator or tutor.
- Model the process using BPMN in Microsoft Visio.
- Analyse the process to identify issues that could be resolved using business process redesign. Your As-Is model should provide a basis for this.
- Design improvements to the process. For example, consider automating some tasks by using information technology or changing the sequence of activities or making parallel paths in the process.As part of this you must consider why the To-Be process will be an improvement compared to the As-Is process and what performance indicators could be used to measure success of the redesign.
- Model the redesigned process using BPMN in Microsoft.
- Create a report to the management of the organisation from which the process comes. Note that presentation of the report including formatting and table of contents is very important and that it should be written in professional language suitable for a manager to read. It should be structured as described below.

Your report should have the following structure and should be submitted as one document (but you can also submit a supplementary file if it is listed in the table of contents):
- Title page.
- Table of contents. This should be generated using the Word Table of Contents feature.
- Introduction. This should include the purpose of the report.
- Background about the organisation. This should provide general background as well as information that will help to understand the context in which the process occurs.
- Background about the process.This section should provide supporting information about the process and MUST also include a description of how the information required to analyse the process was obtained.
- As-Is model of the business process. Modelling must be done in BPMN and supplemented with descriptions of assumptions and business rules etc. as needed. The model must have been created using Microsoft Visio.
- Issues with the process. This section should explain issues and problems that have been identified with respect to the current process.
- Recommendations for improvement. This section should explain the improvements that are being recommended and describe why the To-Be process is an improvement compared to the As-Is process. It should also discuss what performance indicators could be used to measure success.

- To-be model of the business process. Modelling should be done in BPMN and created using Microsoft Visio.

Attachment:- Guidline.rar

Reference no: EM132146269

Questions Cloud

About stocking out during order lead times : Your manager has expressed worry about stocking out during order lead times.
Served in the military prior to being elected president : Do you believe that President, in order to effectively fulfill role as commander in chief, must have served in the military prior to being elected President.
Describe the procedures-guidelines used by hr : Describe the procedures/guidelines used by HR to conduct a job evaluation.
What is a professional organization you would like to join : What is a professional organization you would like to join? How can joining this organization benefit you in terms of networking?
Create a report to the management of the organisation : ICT501 Business Analysis and Systems Development Approaches - Identify a process that one of you has sufficient information about to succeed in undertaking
Exhibiting psychopathological characteristics : Explain whether or not most large American corporations are psychopathological and exploitive, with little regard for social responsibility.
Should the check be written today : Should the check be written today and record the expense or write the check tomorrow? How would the company be affected
What were your overall impressions of the reading : What were your overall impressions of the reading? Were you surprised by the extent to which we justify our decisions and/or are unwilling to admit.
What types of powers do administrative agencies have : What usually happens to decisions of administrative law judges that are appealed to the federal court system?



10/21/2018 10:31:13 PM

MARKING SCHEME Component Marks 1 Presentation 10 2 Introduction 5 3 Background about the organisation 10 4 Background about the process 10 5 As-Is model 30 6 Issues with the process 10 7 Recommendations for improvement 10 8 To-be model 15 Total 100

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