Reference no: EM13944050
Report #1
1. Create a report based on Query #4 (qry#4TotalProductCost) that does the following:
• Includes the Customer Name, Product Code, Quantity Ordered, and Discounted Cost fields.
• Groups data by Customer Name.
• Sorts by Product Code in Ascending order.
2. Use the Stepped layout, so the detail information is indented from the Customer Name.
3. Use the Corporate style.
4. Name the report rpt#1TotalCostWithGrandTotals.
5. Make sure all calculation results are formatted to Currency with 2 decimals, and that all quantities are displayed with commas and zero decimals.
6. Change the label on page 1 of the report to Customer Orders With Grand Totals.
7. Display Customer Orders With Grand Totals Report (rather than the report object name) in the title bar of the report window when the report is being previewed.
8. Calculate the subtotal of all product totals ordered for each company group, and a grand total of all product totals ordered by all companies.
9. Calculate a Count of the number of products ordered by each customer. Use as the label # of Products Ordered. Format the label and calculation to dark red bold
10. Make all necessary adjustments to the position of field controls and labels on the report, so that the data are easily readable.
11. Remove all prefixes from field labels.
12. If you have used the Wizard to create the report, remove the text that the wizard adds to explain the contents of the calculations.
13. Increase the font size of the Total Purchases by Customer label (in the strCustomerNameFooter section) to 11 and the =Sum calculated control to 10 points. Change the font color of both to dark blue.
14. Add a rectangle graphic around the Total Purchases by Customer calculation for each group, and add a light yellow fill to the box. [Make sure the box is behind the controls in the box.] Add a double line above the grand total on the last page of the report.
15. Increase the font size of the calculated control and label in the Report Footer section of the report to 11 points, change the font color of both objects to dark blue, and boldface the calculated control object.
16. Draw a double line above the grand total on the last page of the report. Make sure the lines are perfectly straight.
17. Ensure that the calculation control in the Report Footer section is positioned appropriately below the calculated control in the strCustomerNameFooter section, and that the two controls are right-aligned with one another.
18. Ensure that no customer is split between pages and that there are no blank pages when the report is previewed.
The first page of the finished report should look as follows:
The last page of the finished report should look as follows:
Report #2
1. Create a report with the following specifications:
• Include the Sales Rep Name, Customer Name, Product Code, Quantity Ordered, and Date of Order fields.
• Group by Sales Rep Name, which needs to be displayed in dark red 14 point bold text as follows:
Last Name, First Name.
(for example, Bocelli, Carla)
• Data sorted by Customer Name, then by Product Code, in Ascending order.
2. Use the Stepped layout so that the customers and order information is indented from the sales rep name. and Portrait as the Orientation.
3. Use the Corporate style.
4. Name the report object rpt#2RepsWithCustomerOrders.
5. Control the display of the data in the Customer Name field so that if there are any duplicates, the customer name will be listed only once in the group.
6. Add the label Sales Reps And Customer Orders to the top of the first page of the report.
7. Ensure that the contents of all labels are fully displayed.
8. Format all Quantity ordered values so they display with a comma and 0 decimal places.
9. Remove prefixes from any labels.
10. Ensure that each group is displayed on a separate page.
11. Calculate the number of days since the date of the last order for each group. (Subtract the last order date from today's date, making sure today's date is specified as a variable so it will change). Format the number of days to display with zero decimal places.
TIP: You will need to use the =Max function to determine the last (i.e., highest) order date and subtract that date from today's date.
12. Box the calculation as in the illustration below.
Because there are 8 sales reps, your report should have 8 pages, one for each rep.
Page 1 of the finished report should look as follows:
Page 4 of the finished report should look as follows:
NOTE: The number of days since the last order in your report will differ, obviously, from the days shown in the above Print Screens.
Attachment:- Database .zip