Create a relationship between two tables

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM133164837

Assignment: Creating the Babbage Bookkeeping Database

Problem: Babbage Bookkeeping is a local company that provides bookkeeping services to several small businesses in the area. The database consists of two tables.

1. The Client table: contains information on the businesses that use Babbage's services.

2. The Bookkeeper table: contains information on the bookkeeper assigned to the business.

Instructions: Perform the following tasks:

1. Create a new database to store all the objects related to the bookkeeping data.

2. Save this database. The database must be named with Your Last Name + First Name + Assignment6. For example, if your name is John Smith, the file must be named: SmithJohnAssignment6. 5% will be deducted for the wrong filename.

3. Create the Client table using the structure and data shown in the table below:Save the table as "Client Table."


Field Name

Data Type

Field Size




Client Number

Short Text



Client Number (Primary Key)

Client Name

Short Text



Name of Client


Short Text



Street Address


Short Text




Zip Code

Short Text



Zip Code





Amount Currently Owed for Services

Bookkeeper Number

Short Text



Bookkeeper Number

4. Enter the data for the Client Table as shown in the table below:

1175_Client Table.jpg

5. Create the Bookkeeper table using the structure and data shown in the table below:Save the table as "Bookkeeper Table."

Bookkeeper Table

Field Name

Data Type

Field Size




Bookkeeper Number

Short Text



Bookkeeper Number (Primary Key)

Last Name

Short Text



Last Name of Bookkeeper

First Name

Short Text



First Name of Bookkeeper


Short Text



Street Address


Short Text




Zip Code

Short Text



Zip Code

Hourly Rate




Hourly Rate

YTD Earnings




Year-to-Date Earnings

6. Enter the data for the Bookkeeper Table as shown in the table below:

734_Client Table1.jpg

7. Create a relationship between two tables. Specify referential integrity between the Bookkeeper table (the one table) and the Client table (the many table). Save the Relationships.

8. Create the following queries.

8.1. Create a query for the Client table. The query must display Client Number, Client Name, and Balance fields for all clients located in Empeer with a balance greater than $300.00. Save the query as "Q21-Client-Empeer Query."

8.2. Create a query to display the Client Number, Client Name, and Address fields for all clients with an address on Maum. Save the query as "Q22-Client-Maum Query."

8.3. Create a query that will allow the user to enter the city to search when the query is run. The query results should display the Client Number, Client Name, and Bookkeeper Number. Test the query by searching for those records where the client is located inPortage. Save the query as "Q23-Client-City Query."

8.4. Create a query from the Client table to display the cities in ascending order. Each city should appear only once (i.e., no repeating city). Save the query as "Q24-City-Sorting Query."

8.5. Create a query to display the Client Number, Client Name, and Balance fields for all clients where the bookkeeper number is 24 or 34 and the balance is greater than $300.00. Save the query as "Q25-Client-Bookkeeper24-34 Query."

8.6. Create a query to display the First Name, Last Name, and Hourly Rate fields from the Bookkeeper table and the Client Number, Client Name, and Balance fields from the Client table. Sort the records in ascending order by bookkeeper's last name and client's name. Save the query as "Q26-Client-Bookkeeper Query."

8.7. Create a query for the Bookkeeper table to display the Bookkeeper Number, First Name, Last Name, and Hourly Rate in the design grid. Create a new field named as "Hour Worked" in this query to calculate the number of hours each bookkeeper has worked (YTD Earnings/Hourly Rate). Display the data in this "Hour Worked" field as a standard number with 0 decimal place and also show this new created field in the Datasheet view . Save the query as "Q27-Bookkeeper-Hour Worked Query."

8.8. Create a query to display the following statistics:
a. the total balance for all clients - Save the query as "Q28a-Client Total Balance Query." Display Balance field.
b. the total balance for each bookkeeper. Save the query as "Q28b-Bookkeeper Total Balance Query." Display Bookkeeper Number and Balance fields.
c. the total balance for clients of bookkeeper 22 - Save the query as "Q28c-Client-Bookkeeper22 Balance Query." Display Bookkeeper Number and Balance fields.

8.9. Create the crosstab query as shown in the Figure below: The crosstab groups total of clients' balances by city and bookkeeper number. Save the query as "Q29-City-Bookkeeper Crosstab Query."

519_Client Table2.jpg

Attachment:- Bookkeeping Database.rar

Reference no: EM133164837

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