Create a query to find one type of device

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Reference no: EM132325349

Assignment: Part 1: In today's world, most college students will own at least one electronic device, such as a cell phone. Many students have multiple electronic devices. Microsoft Access includes a desktop Asset tracking template that you can modify to keep track of your electronic devices, such as cell phone, MP3 player, and computer. Get together with your group and make a list of the electronic devices that each of you own. Use the desktop Asset tracking template to create an Electronic Assets database. Watch the video to learn how the database works. As a team, review the fields in the Assets table and decide which fields to include in the database. Delete any unwanted fields. Decide how you will describe each device, for example, will you use the term cell phone, smartphone, or mobile phone? Have each team member enter at least two devices. Create a query to find one type of device, such as cell phone.

Part 2: You made several decisions while creating the Electronic Assets database. Which fields did you decide to delete from the Assets table? What terms did you use to describe each device? What was the rationale for these decisions?

Turn in the Paper to before submitting your final paper.

Turn in a final paper and the paper with the tutor comments.

Complete the project in APA format

Paper should include at least 3 references

Paper should be a minimum of 4 to 5 pages in length

{Create 10 to 15 slide presentation to be presented on last day of course}

Reference no: EM132325349

Questions Cloud

What was life really like for the early frontiersmen : Two very common names we hear when discussing life on the Early Tennessee frontier, which included parts of North Carolina and Kentucky, are Davy Crockett.
How could a research project help you explore your interests : In an initial post of at least 250-300 words, state the theme that interests you and explain how or why it relates to the topic you wish to examine.
What have other philosophers said about the work : Write a review of what you read. Describe what the work is about and give your true personal reflections on it. Here are some questions you might consider.
What are the greatest cyber crime threats : You have been an investigator for the St. Louis Police Department for many years. Recent surges in cyber crime have caused your police department to consider.
Create a query to find one type of device : In today's world, most college students will own at least one electronic device, such as a cell phone. Many students have multiple electronic devices.
What sacrifices would a business have to make : You may have noticed the emphasis on preparedness. While society expects a business to be prepared for disasters and to recover using its own resources.
How situational awareness is a driver for response controls : Much of the security efforts of the past have been centered around prevention and protection. The increasing sophistication of cyber attacks have shown.
Solve the issues related to current work environment : If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your.
How computers can make their work easier : As the senior Information Technology (IT) educator at your school/educational institution, justify to the staff how computers can make their work "easier"


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