Create a query named qrymgtcontacts

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131957658


1. Open tblFacilities in datasheet view. Notice that the fields Management, Facility Type and Manage Type are numbers. Modify these fields to store a number but show a text value instead.

2. In the Relationship window, modify the three relationships to enforce referential integrity.

3. Create a relationship report that only shows the tables tblFacilities, tblManagement, tblFacType, tblManageType. Make sure that all fields and relationship are visible. Save the relationship report as rptRel.

4. Create a query named qryFac-Lookups. Include the fields FacID, MgtID, FacTypeID, MgtTypeID. Show only hospitals that are Long Term (FacTypeID 3) facilities.

5. Create a query named qryMgtContacts. Add the name of the management companies. Next add a field that includes the contact's first names. The field's label should be Name. Add the contact's phone number.

Attachment:- Data-File.rar

Reference no: EM131957658

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