Create a prototype of a simple home automation bot

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM132358546

Introduction To Programming Assignment - HomeAutoBot

Introduction - You must create a prototype of a simple home automation bot named "Fraizr" (fictional name) that demonstrates the exact behaviours shown in the following video: COSC1519 ITP A1 - Introduction (see attached file).

The code that you write does not need to control any appliances. Fraizr has a list of appliances that it can either turn on or turn off (see video above). You are given marks on your ability to follow all requirements on this document as well as on your ability to match behaviours in the video.

Note: When clients explain their requirements, it is normal for the programmer to refer to the presentation several times and ask questions as needed.

Functional and Development Requirements -

Develop Fraizr in a .java file named This is the file that you will submit. Fraizr must be developed in 3 stages discussed further below; Each stage will guide you correctly to the next stage so it is crucial that you follow this sequence. However, only the final stage that you complete must be included in the file.

All 3 stages follow the following algorithm (identify the steps from the lecture 1 video):

A. Show welcome message.

B. Do appliance count or/and name input mode.

C. Listen for instructions mode until user chooses to exit by selecting the cancel button.

1. Display appliances and their current states (exactly as shown in video) and ask for input

2.1 If user input starts with "turn on" or "turn off" followed by an appliance name, display confirmation and update state variable/array element.

2.2 If user input starts with "turn on" or "turn off" followed by an unknown appliance name, display "I can only control: ..." followed by all appliances and their states.

2.3 If the user input does not start with "turn on" or "turn off", display "please say turn on or off for the following: ..." and display all appliances and their states.

D. Show goodbye message.

Development Stage 1: Fixed to 4 appliances. Appliance names are entered by the user. Does not use arrays; variables must be created for appliance names and appliance states (on/off). Comments are added to the code explaining where each algorithm step is located in the code.

Development Stage 2: Fixed to 4 appliances. Appliance names are entered by the user. Must use 2 arrays: one for appliance names, one for appliance states. Comments are added to the code explaining where each algorithm step is located in the code then discusses coding approach.

Development Stage 3: At the start, asks user the number of appliances and then takes name inputs for that many appliances. Must use 2 arrays (see stage 2) and each array's length matches the number of appliances entered. Comments are added to the code explaining where each algorithm step is located in the code then discusses coding approach and evalauates against alternatives.

Attachment:- Introduction To Programming Assignment File.rar

Verified Expert

The task of the program is to develop the java program.The java program is to develop a HomeAutoBot system. The program is developed in 3 stages. The program displays the welcome message, then appliance count or/and name are received from the user, application then listens until user chooses to exit by selecting the cancel button, the command is received from the user and the appliance is updated and displayed to the user.

Reference no: EM132358546

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Note: You are awarded marks based on your ability to follow and fulfill the given requirements of this assignment. Every word in this document matters. If it is not written, it is not a requirement but you must use the necessary concepts shown in class materials as the list of things you must not do is too long to list.


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Delivery/Submission Requirements - You to perform two deliveries of your work. There are three important dates/actions to remember. Delivery 1: Submit a partially complete just before your allocated practical class and demo it during your allocated practical in week. Completion of Delivery 1 attracts 3.75 marks. Your demo instructor will ask you questions related to your work. Delivery 2: Submit a fully complete set of files by Sunday of week 5 then demo the work that you have done after delivery 1, during your allocated practical in week 6. The obtainable marks for Delivery 2 is as follows: 6.25 marks if stage 3 requirements completed in final submission and demo’ed in week 6. 3 marks if only up to and including stage 2 requirements completed, submitted in via Canvas and demo’ed in week 6. Or 1.5 marks if only up to and including stage 1 requirements completed, submitted in via Canvas and demo’ed in week 6.


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Important note: If there is no submission, you will not get a turn to demo. You will need to bring your own laptop to the demo. Code with any invalid Java (e.g. red dots in Eclipse) will receive 0. Code that crashes at runtime will receive a 50% penalty of the eligible mark of that delivery. Late submissions: Late submissions incur a standard 10% penalty for each working day late for that delivery; submissions will not be accepted after 5 working days from deadline. If you wish to organise special consideration, please contact RMIT special consideration.

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