Reference no: EM132107273
Program needs to be coded in C++
Healthcare Project
A small hospital has contacted you and asked you to create a prototype for an application that can handle all of their administrative activities. The items below are the minimum amount of functionality that will be needed.
Admit a patient
Create appointment
Recall Patient
Cancel an appointment
Remove a doctor from system
Discharge a patient
View all currently admitted patients
View all currently scheduled appointments by patient
View all currently scheduled appointments by doctor
View a doctor's schedule (by last name)
View schedules for all doctors
When your application starts, a user must login before any administrative functions can be done. A file that contains all valid logins will be provided. Your application should use this file to verify logins are valid.
Admitting a patient consists of gathering a patient's personal information and:
Reason for admission
Attending physician
Your program must be smart enough to keep a history of patient activity and information. If an existing patient needs to be admitted again, the system should recognize that the patient has been there before. A history of admission reasons and attending physicians should be available to the user.
This is a small facility and there are only 10 beds, so your application must take availability into account before a patient can be admitted.
Creating an Appointment
Creating an appointment consists of scheduling an office visit for a patient where no overnight stay is necessary. A patient's appointment time must coincide with the availability of a doctor. A file with a list of doctors and their availability will be provided. Your application should read this file for scheduling purposes. Gathering a patient's personal information and:
Reason for appointment
Attending physician.
Recalling a Patient
Recalling a patient should allow a user to look up patient by last name or by patient number. If multiple patients share the same last name, your program should display each in a list and allow the user to select the correct one. Once a patient is chosen, the program should allow the user to show the patient's entire history or edit any of the patient's information.
Cancelling an Appointment
Cancelling an appointment should remove the appointment from the system. Your program must be smart enough to adjust the physician's schedule.
Removing a Doctor
Removing a doctor from the system means that any appointments assigned to that doctor must be freed. Your system should also display a list of patients that will need to be notified of the cancelled appointment(s). You do not have to worry about patients that are admitted under a doctor that has been removed.
Discharging a Patient
Discharging a patient should remove a patient's name from the list of admitted patients.
The hospital considers doctors and patients as associates. Your program should contain a class named Associate. The class should have at least the following:
First Name
Last Name
Subclasses for doctors and patients (class names of your choosing) should inherit from Associate. In addition, patients would have a number that is exactly 5 digits long. Doctors will have a number this is 6 alphanumeric characters..