Reference no: EM13781658
Create a project in Visual C++ Express named Assignment.
Add NumberList.h and NumberList.cpp files to your project. These are included in the zip file with this document. The files are code from the book and implement a linked list of numbers.
Add pass7.cpp to your project. This will have main() and use the NumberList class. The purpose of this assignment is to add data members and methods to the NumberList class in order to give it more functionality.
Add the following changes to the NumberList class:
• Modify the displayList() method
o If the list is empty, print: The list is empty
• Add a method find()
o It should take one parameter, a value.
o It should go through the linked list. If the value is found, it should return the position of the value in the list. "If the value is in the first node, return 0. If the value is in the second node return 1, and so on. "If the value is not found in the list return -?1.
• Add a method empty()
o It should take no parameters
o It should return true if the list has no nodes, and false if there are 1 or more nodes.
• Add a method sumFirstLast()
o It should return the sum of the first and last nodes.
o If the list has only one node, then return the value of the first node.
o If the list is empty, it should return -?99999
• Add a method sumEven()
o It should return sum of the even values in the list.
o If the list is empty, it should return -?99999
• Add a method sum()
o Return the sum of all the values in the list.
o If the list is empty, return 0
• Add a method clear()
o It should remove all the nodes in the list.
"Remember to clean up memory with delete.
• Add a data member size.
o The size represents the number of nodes in the linked list. Think of it as the length.
o It should be an integer
o Add a method getSize() that returns the current value of size.
"Do not add a setSize().
o Whenever a new node is added to the linked list, the size should increase by one.
"Look at the other methods. If a method adds a value, add 1 to size in that method.
o Whenever a node is deleted from the linked list, the size should decrease by one.
"Look at the other methods. If a method removes a value, subtract 1 from size in that method for each node that is removed.
"If you see a negative value for size, you probably have a bug.
• All methods should have prototypes in the NumberList.h file and implemented in the NumberList.cpp file.
The main() should do the following.
• Create a NumberList object to use in the rest of the main().
• Print the following menu
1. Append a value
2. Insert a value
3. Delete a value
4. Print the list
5. Print sum of first and last
6. Print sum of even values
7. Print the size
8. Print the list sum
9. Clear the list
10. Exit
• Read the user's choice and do the following. Use the appropriate methods in the NumberList class.
o Option 1. Ask the user for a value, and append the value to the end of the list
o Option 2. Ask the user for a value, and insert the value in the list
o Option 3. Ask the user for a value, and delete it from the list
o Option 4. Print all the nodes in the list
o Option 5. Print the sum of the first and last nodes. If the list is empty, tell the user.
o Option 6. Print the sum of the even values. If the list is empty, tell the user.
o Option 7. Print the size of the list
o Option 8. Print the sum of all the values in the list
o Option 9. Clear the list
o Option 10. Exit the program. The program should not exit until this option is selected. Use a loop that keeps printing the menu and asks for user menu selection.
What to Turn In
When finished, upload your code. There are 3 files to upload. To submit, please follow these steps:
• In your File Explorer, go to the directory with your source code.
• Select the 3 files NumberList.h, NumberList.cpp, and Pass7.cpp and compress them into a ZIP file.
o You should test your file before submitting to ensure that it has the 3 required files.
• Upload the ZIP file into the DropBox in D2L named Assignment 7. Do not use RAR, or another compression format. Only submit a ZIP file.