Create a project for claytors cottages

Assignment Help Visual Basic Programming
Reference no: EM13751912

Create a project for Claytor's Cottages, a small bed and breakfast. Use an MDI form with a menu, a con­text menu, a toolbar, and a status bar.

The About form should not be a child form. Use the My object to display the description, title. version number, and copyright attributes.

Include a splash screen with information about your program.


File             Edit                         Window

Exit          Quests                       Tile Morizontal

Rooms                                 Tile vertical

aeservations             Cascade

Set up the menus so that the open child forms display on the Window menu.


Include three buttons to open each of the child forms. Place ToolTips on each button.




Status Bar:

Include the date and the time of day at the right side of the status bar. Leave a panel for text messages to the left side.

Create child forms for each option (Guests. Room-. and Reservations) that simply have the title bar text indicating the form purpose and a Close button lo turn to the main form.



Context Menu:

Create a context menu on the parent form that has options to display the Guest, Rooms and Reservations forms.


• Follow naming standards for all variables, objects and procedures.
• Menu items and controls must have keyboard access. Use standard selections when appropriate.
• Set the parent form's Icon property to an appropriate icon.

Reference no: EM13751912

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