Create a program to store assignment grades for student

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM1359271


The elementary school for which you are doing development work has asked you to create a program to store assignment grades for one student. The program should prompt the teacher to input an assignment number. The score for the student for that assignment will be displayed. The program can prompt for each score or the scores can be preloaded or hard-coded into the program. Your solution must include an array. Your solution must include 5 parts in addition to the coded solution.

A problem analysis chart with sections for given information, required results, processing required to obtain the results, and solution alternatives
A flowchart showing the program processing flow
A chart showing input, output, and processing
An algorithm in pseudocode describing the steps the program will perform
A written description of how you addressed each of the six problem-solving steps

Reference no: EM1359271

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