Create a program to keep track of vehicle tire purchases

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM131274259

Create a program to keep track of vehicle tire purchases. The program will store data about the vehicle, the tire manufacturer and size, quantity purchased, the date of sale, and the mileage warranty, etc. See details below:

1. Create a Vehicle class that includes make, model, and year

2. Create a Tire class that includes tire manufacturer, tire model(name), tire size, warranty mileage, and price

3. Create a Date class that includes the month, day, and year

4. Create a Tire Purchase class that includes the amount of labor (in hours) for balancing and mounting

a. This class should also include static data members for labor cost ($15.00/hour) and sales tax (9%)

Your program should ask the user to input the vehicle data, tire data, and date data. It should then calculate the cost of a tire purchase based on the tire price, qty of tires, labor costs, and tax. Labor can be assumed to be ½ hour per tire for balancing and mounting.

The vehicle data, tire data, date data and total cost should be written to a file. A user should be able to generate/display a list of all vehicles that have had new tires installed during a particular month (don't worry about the day).

Reference no: EM131274259

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