Create a program that simulates a simple club interface

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM132404476

This Assignment is designed to take you through the process of creating basic classes and integrating them with a simple JavaFX generated interface.


A chess club wants your group to develop some software that supports a number of its activities. The software is to beoperated by the club secretary who will use it to managemembership details. This will involve adding andremoving members from the club as well as updating the number of official games each member has played, their wins and losses.

The system must record for each member, their first name, last name, number of games played, number of wins and number of losses (number of games - wins).

The system should also allow the club secretary tosee a list of all the members and their win rate (number of wins divided by the number of games played). Itwill also be possible for the secretary to add a new win or loss to a member's record.

Your group must create a program that simulates a simple club interface allowing the addition of new members and all the operations outlined above. It also allows the viewing of all accounts in the system. JavaFX must be used to create the interface for the system.

Summary of Operations
Member services:

1. Add member
2. Record win
3. Record loss

Reporting Services:
1. List Members
2. View Best Player (The player with the highest win rate, If there are ties show all players that are the best)
3. View player with the most wins (note this may be different from the Best Player, If there are ties show all players with the most wins)

A class MemberManager class must be created that manages all of the members in the system. A single instance of the MemberManager class must be created for this application. The MemberManager object may be declared in the main javafx application class and instantiated in the init() method of the JavaFX application.

Attachment:- java.rar

Reference no: EM132404476

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