Create a program that represents a vehicle register

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131798725

Create a program that represents a vehicle register, i.e. a register of vehicles and its owners.

Your customer is the Transport Authority, which task it is to keep track of all vehicles on the road in Sweden.

The Vehicle register should in this first version have a text-based interface.

The following describes the data and the functions that should be included in the program.


You are to answer a set of questions about material of the unit. Any diagrams required in response to questions must be drawn in Lucidchart. Textual responses will be written using Microsoft Word.

This assignment is worth 25% of the total marks for the unit. Students complete the assignment individually.


The questions stated below require answers regarding:

• Use cases

• Sequence diagrams

• Class diagrams

• State Machine Diagram

The marks for each question will total to 25 marks.

You will review relevant material of the unit wherever required to answer the questions.

Ensure that you have completed all lab work relevant to a particular question of the assignment before commencing work on that aspect of the assignment. Lab exercises are where learning, errors and practice occur before embarking on a larger task (the assignment) worth many marks.

All diagrams are to be drawn correctly and neatly. Recall that Learning Outcome 4 of this unit is "Correctly construct and lay out all types of diagrams". A diagram that does not conform to this learning outcome will be subject to deduction of marks.

In answering questions, submit diagrams as either .pdf or .jpg files from Lucidchart, and textual responses as .doc, .docs or .rtf files.
Important issues Plagiarism is a form of academic dishonesty that in this case would involve theft of material, and this would result in penalisation of the student.

To avoid students plagiarising material, and therefore prevent penalisation of students, all content that is used in the student's answers must be totally written in their own words.

Case Study: University Library System

This case is a simplified (initial draft) of a new system for the University Library. Of course, the library system must keep track of books. Information is maintained about both book titles and the individual book copies. Book titles maintain information about title, author, publisher, and catalog number.

Individual copies maintain copy number, edition, publication year, ISBN, book status (whether it is on the shelf or loaned out), and date due back in.

The library also keeps track of patrons to the library. Since it is a university library, there are several types of patrons, each with different privileges. There are faculty patrons, graduate student patrons, and undergraduate student patrons. Basic information about all patrons is name, address, and telephone number.

For faculty patrons, additional information is office address and telephone number. For graduate students, information such as graduate program and advisor information is maintained. For undergraduate student's program and total credit
hours are maintained.

The library also keeps information about library loans. A library loan is a somewhat abstract object. A loan occurs when a patron approaches the circulation desk with a stack of books to check out.

Over time a patron can have many loans. A loan can have many physical books associated with it. (And a physical book can be on many loans over a period of time. Information about past loans is kept in the database.) So, in this case, it is recommended that an association class be created for loaned books.

If a book is checked out that a patron wants, he/she can put that title on reserve. This is another class that does not represent a concrete object. Each reservation is for only one title and one patron. Information such as date reserved, priority, and date fulfilled is maintained. When it is fulfilled, the system associates it with the loan on which it was checked out.

For this case, develop the following diagrams:

1. Use Case description for checking out books with one any exceptional case

2. A use case diagram for the whole case study

3. A class diagram for the whole case study

4. A sequence diagram for the given case - checking out books

5. Draw a SMD for the case study - Library Management System.

Reference no: EM131798725

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