Create a program that finds the solution

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM131650643

Guidelines -

This is a programming assignment. You will be provided sample inputs and outputs (attached). Please understand that the goal of the samples is to check that you can correctly parse the problem definitions, and generate a correctly formatted output. The samples are very simple and it should not be assumed that if your program works on the samples it will work on all test cases. There will be more complex test cases and it is your task to make sure that your program will work correctly on any valid input. You are encouraged to try your own test cases to check how your program would behave in some complex special case that you might think of. Since each homework is checked via an automated A.I. script, your output should match the specified format exactly. Failure to do so will most certainly cost some points. The output format is simple and examples are provided. You should upload and test your code on, and you will submit it there. You may use any of the programming languages provided by vocareum.

Project description -

You are a zookeeper in the reptile house. One of your rare South Pacific Tufted Wizzo lizards (Tufticus Wizzocus) has just had several babies. Your job is to find a place to put each baby lizard in a nursery.

However, there is a catch, the baby lizards have very long tongues. A baby lizard can shoot out its tongue and eat any other baby lizard before you have time to save it. As such, you want to make sure that no baby lizard can eat another baby lizard in the nursery (burp). For each baby lizard, you can place them in one spot on a grid. From there, they can shoot out their tongue up, down, left, right and diagonally as well. Their tongues are very long and can reach to the edge of the nursery from any location.

Figure 1 shows in what ways a baby lizard can eat another.


Figure 1 (A) the baby lizard can attack any other lizard in a red square. Thus it can be seen that a baby lizard can eat another lizard to its top, bottom, left right or diagonal. (B) In this example setup, both lizards can eat each other. Your algorithm will try to avoid this.

In addition to baby lizards, your nursery may have some trees planted in it. Your lizards cannot shoot their tongues through the trees nor can you move a lizard into the same place as a tree. As such, a tree will block any lizard from eating another lizard if it is in the path. Additionally, the tree will block you from moving the lizard to that location.

Figure 2 shows some different valid arrangements of lizards.


Figure 2 Both nurseries have valid arrangements of baby lizards such that they cannot eat one another. (A) with no trees, no lizard is in a position to eat another lizard. (B) Two trees are introduced such that the lizard in the last column cannot eat the lizard in the second or fourth column.

You will write a program that will take an input file that has an arrangement of trees and will output a new arrangement of lizards (and trees; as already mentioned, you can't move the trees) such that no baby lizard can eat another one. You will be required to create a program that finds the solution. To find the solution you will use the following algorithms:

- Breadth-first search (BFS)

- Depth-first search (DFS)

- Simulated annealing (SA).

Attachment:- Assignment File.rar

Reference no: EM131650643

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9/20/2017 4:52:32 AM

The following search algorithms must be used "BFS, DFS, SA" as stated on page 4. The 50 test cases must be ran in under 5 minutes. The online AI script "" will run/compile the code as stated on page 1. Your code will be tested as follows: Your program should not require any command-line argument. It should read a text file called "input.txt" in the current directory that contains a problem definition. It should write a file "output.txt" with your solution to the same current directory. Format for input.txt and output.txt is specified below. End-of-line character is LF (since vocareum is a Unix system and follows the Unix convention).


9/20/2017 4:52:23 AM

The grading A.I. script will, 50 times: Create an input.txt file, delete any old output.txt file. Run your code. Check correctness of your program's output.txt file. If your outputs for all 50 test cases are correct, you get 100 points. If one or more test case fails, you get 50 - N points where N is the number of failed test cases. Note that if your code does not compile, or somehow fails to load and parse input.txt, or writes an incorrectly formatted output.txt, or no output.txt at all, or OuTpUt.TxT, you will get zero points. Anything you write to stdout or stderr will be ignored and is ok to leave in the code you submit (but it will likely slow you down). Please test your program with the provided sample files to avoid this.


9/20/2017 4:52:18 AM

Notes and hints: Please name your program "" where ‘xxx' is the extension for the programming language you choose ("py" for python, "cpp" for C++, and "java" for Java). If you are using C++11, then the name of your file should be "homework11.cpp" and if you are using python3 then the name of your file should be "". n (width and height of nursery) and p (number of lizards) will be 32-bit integers with values 1 or more, and they may take different values (n¹p) or not. If your output.txt does not contain exactly p lizards, that test case will fail irrespective of whether your output.txt says "OK" on the first line. If your output.txt is such that some lizards can eat each other, that test case will fail irrespective of whether your output.txt says "OK" on the first line.

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