Create a program that estimates the radio signal strength

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM131291734

Lab- Exercises

Lab is a modified version of Lab 4. The requirements that applied to Lab 4 also apply to Lab 7. You may
reuse the Lab 4 pseudocode and Visual Logic files, rename them and modify them to produce the Lab 7 files.

Lab Implementation Requirements

• Add a module that outputs the message: For the computer located n feet from the AP, the signal strength is: range


N = the distance from the computer to the AP (in ft, integer values, e.g., 2, 5, 100, etc.).

Range = the estimated radio signal strength, expressed as a range.

An example of an actual message is: For the computer located 10 feet from the AP, the signal strength is: 100-80%

The module requires two parameters (n and range), which are used to output the message. Call the module in the appropriate places, in the pseudocode and the Visual Logic files.

Lab Expected Submittals

1. The Visual Logic program (50%).

2. Formal pseudocode (following the book syntax, proper indentation, with variable declarations, etc.). Use Notepad++ to create the pseudocode (*.txt file) (50%).

In a wireless SOHO (Small Office/Home Office) network, the strength of the radio signal is (among others) a function of the distance between the wireless Access Point (AP) (e.g., a wireless router) and the computers wirelessly connected to the network. The longer the distance between the AP and a computer, the weaker the radio signals.

Assume that the wireless SOHO network is based on the IEEE 802.11g protocol, case in which the approximate maximum range between the AP and the computers is 125 ft.

Create a program that estimates the radio signal strength (%) - a range - for computers stationed at different distances (ft) from the AP. In your design use 5 distance zones, and proportionally assign to them signal strength ranges (%). For example, for a computer situated 10 ft away from the AP, the estimated radio signal strength would be 100 - 80%.

Program Inputs:

• The distance from the computer to the AP (in ft, integer values, e.g., 2, 5, 100, etc.).

Program Outputs:

• The estimated signal strength (%) - a range.

Program requirements:

• The program must implement at a minimum three modules (or more if needed)

• During a single run, the program must be able to process multiple inputs.

• The prompt for data input is user-friendly (i.e., the user of the program does not see the program's variable names).

• Given that it is unknown how many data inputs the user will provide to the program, upon start, display a message letting the user know how to terminate the current execution of the program.

• The program must display a title on the Visual Logic's console.

• Program outputs are displayed on the Visual Logic's console - one line after another, with user-friendly labels.

Expected Submittals

3. The Visual Logic program (50%).

4. Formal pseudocode (following the book syntax, proper indentation, with variable declarations, etc.). Use Notepad++ to create the pseudocode (*.txt file) (50%).

IMPORTANT NOTE 1: If your Visual Logic code uses compound Boolean operators, make sure you read the TIP on page 26, in the Visual Logic book.

IMPORTANT NOTE 2: Test your program with multiple distance values, to insure that the outputs (the corresponding signal strength ranges) are correct. In your design you must consider which signal strength value the program will display, when the distance between a computer and the AP is longer than 125 feet.

Reference no: EM131291734

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