Create a program for a ledger''s furniture store

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM131062050

Programming Project Assessment

Instructions: The following programming problem can be solved by a program that uses three basic tasks-Input Data, Process Data, and Output Results. To process the data, use file, looping, array, decision, accumulating, counting, find min/max and sorting techniques. First, create an MS Word document containing a hierarchy chart and a data flow diagram to organize your program modules. Second, create a pseudocode program using Notepad++ to solve this problem. Third, create the program with RAPTOR. You MUST use Modular Programming techniques by using Sub Modules (Sub Charts in RAPTOR) in your program. Your "main" module should not be very large. NEVER call "main" from inside your program. Also, do not use "recursion" in this program (submodules that call themselves). You are onlyallowed to use looping techniques to repeat sections of your submodules.

Problem Statement

Ledger's Furniture Store has 10 salespeople. Ledger's wants to produce a combined monthly sales report for all salespeople. Ledger's wants you to write a program that will allow them to enter data in any order, save the unsorted data to a file, and then produce a file in alphabetical order by name of the salespeople. The unsorted output file should be named "sales_unsorted.txt" and the sorted file should be named "sales_sorted.txt".

Your unsorted file output should include:

- A list of the salespeople's names and the monthly sales for each of them.

Your sorted file output should include:

- A list of the salespeople's name and the monthly sales for each of them.

- At the bottom of the report, list the following:

o The total combined sales for all salespeople.

o The average sales for all salespeople.

o The salesperson with the lowest sales for the month.

o The salesperson with the highest sales for the month.

You must submit the unsorted and sorted files with your RAPTOR program to show that your program ran correctly.

Here is your sample test data to use with your program. This is to be typed in as user input.


Monthly Sales





















Do not worry about the formatting of your output files since RAPTOR does not support formatting controls.

The unsorted file should look similar to this:

The sorted file should look similar to this:

Joan Sales:


Bob Sales:


Bob Sales:


Chummily Sales:


Lisa Sales:


Corey Sales:


Tina Sales:


Frank Sales:


Corey Sales:


Holly Sales:


Chummily Sales:


Joan Sales:


Rick Sales:


Lisa Sales:


Nancy Sales:


Nancy Sales:


Holly Sales:


Rick Sales:


Frank Sales:


Tina Sales:


Other Requirements:


Total Sales: $ XXXXX

Average Sales: $ XXXX

Salesperson with Lowest Sales: name

Salesperson with Highest Sales: name

 Documentation: Use the "Comments" feature to document each symbol in the flowchart. You do this by right clicking the symbol

and selecting "Comment."

Be sure to identify the data type of each variable used in your comments.

Be sure to explain what each formula and function does.

Be sure to explain what each of the other symbols in the flowchart does in a comment.

- Test and debug your Program: Use the sample input data, run the program, then check your answers with a calculator or Excel. If something did not match up, then fix your program.

- Program must execute and produce correct output.

- Read this page again to be sure you covered all requirements.

- Use Object-Oriented Programming Techniques learned.

Submission Instructions:

- You will submit 5 files for this project. You must submit the Hierarchy Chart and Data Flow Diagram in a MS Word or PDF file (both in same document), a Pseudocode Program in a Notepad++ file, and a Flowchart (from RAPTOR) file. Your RAPTOR file will be the .rap file created when you save your project.

- Name the RAPTOR file (replacing LastName and FirstInitial with YOUR name):

LastName_FirstInitial_Program_4.rap (example: Smith_J_Program_4.rap).

- You must also submit the unsorted and sorted files (sales_unsorted.txt and sales_sorted.txt) to show that your program ran correctly.

- Attach your files individually (no zip files) to your assignment submission upload. If you find that you made an error and want to resubmit before the due date, you may do so.

Reference no: EM131062050

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