Create a program based on the pseudocode and activity chart

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM132434801

ITECH1400 Fundamentals of Programming - Federation University

Assignment Overview

This is an individual assignment that requires you to design, develop and test a small text-based program

Learning Outcomes

The following course learning outcomes are assessed by completing this assessment:


K1. Identify and use the correct syntax of a common programming language.

K2. Recall and use typical programming constructs to design and implement simple software solutions.

K3. Reproduce and adapt commonly used basic algorithms


S1. Utilise pseudocode and/or algorithms as a major program design technique.

S2. Write and implement a solution algorithm using basic programming constructs.

S3. Demonstrate debugging and testing skills whilst writing code

Application of knowledge and skills:

A1. Develop self-reliance and judgement in adapting algorithms to diverse contexts.

A2. Design and write program solutions to identified problems using accepted design constructs.

Assessment Details

You work for the Australian Tax Office (ATO) and it's time to audit the Tooth Fairy. The Tooth Fairy has submitted a CSV file with the details of all the tooth pickups this year.

The assignment is broken up into three main components:
1) Design pseudocode to analyse the CSV file
2) Create an activity chart which illustrates the behavior of the pseudocode
3) Create a program based on the pseudocode and activity chart diagram

Your submission should consist of two files: a Word document containing the design pseudo-code and activity chart and a Python file (script) which is the final program.

The CSV File

You will need to download the addresses.csv file from Moodle. The file contains 500 records across seven columns. Here's a sample of the file and the type of information that it stores.


First Name


Street Address




Total number

of teeth lost



171 E 24th St







22222 Acoma St







534 Schoenborn St #51







69206 Jackson Ave





Part 1: Design

This stage requires you to prepare documentation that describes the functionality of the pseudocode and how it is to be tested. There is no coding or code testing involved in this stage.


1) Read all of this assignment sheet first!!!
2) Write pseudocode that describes how the program will operate.
a. All program requirements must be included, even if you do not end up including all these requirements in your program code.
b. The algorithm must be structured logically so that it will function correctly.
3) Write five test cases that ensure your program operates correctly

Part 2: Activity Flowchart

Using either the online website (preferred), or the applications Visio or PowerPoint - create an activity diagram of how the program should operate.

Make sure to use the correct symbols in your diagram for starting, processes, decisions/branches, and ending the process.

Once you have completed your activity flowchart, add it to your Word document.

Part 3: Computer Program

You are free to design and implement the program however you see fit. Here are some requirements that must be incorporated into your program.

1. You must display a welcome message when the program starts. At a minimum, this message should contain the name of your program, the name of the program developer and your student ID.
2. Your program should have a text menu that allows the user to
a. Print the following statistics
i. Total number of children in the text file
ii. Average number of teeth claims over the years
iii. Number of children who have never lost a tooth
iv. Number of children who have lost all their baby teeth
v. Total expenditure for this year given the following:


Number of teeth lost






More than 1


b. Print to a new file, a list of children who haven't lost any teeth. The user should be given the chance to enter a filename.
c. Display a graph showing the number of claims per State
d. Display a graph comparing the overall average number of teeth lost for two given States

3. To help with the readability of your code, you should use functions

A screenshot of a sample program is included in Appendix 1.

Finally, you should use your five test cases and demonstrate if they pass/fail and the reasons. Add your written response to the word document.

Reference no: EM132434801

Questions Cloud

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Present and reinforce the meaning of lexical items : There is a list of 7 vocabulary items below. Your students are intermediate and above. They do not know these words but they may know synonyms
Create a program based on the pseudocode and activity chart : Identify and use the correct syntax of a common programming language and Recall and use typical programming constructs to design and implement simple software
Describe two strategies to help guide kindergartners : Identify and describe two strategies to help guide Kindergartners and first grade students and encourage fluency.
Discuss electronic cars vs petrol cars : Discuss Electronic cars vs Petrol cars and also differentiate between the Electronic cars vs Petrol cars
The risks of misscategorization : In discussing risk management and analytics, you should recognize that there is risk inherent simply in the conducting of analytics - especially
General report of the language features : There are two routes that you may choose to take for this assignment: You may either give a general report of the language features with examples


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