Create a professional flyer advertising

Assignment Help Advanced Statistics
Reference no: EM13749598

You are the Director of the HIM department at Community Hospital. In this role you have responsibility for providing training on topics related to the functions and responsibilities of Health Information Management for your employees. You are to select a topic relating to the HIM department for which you are planning a training session and create a professional flyer advertising the workshop you will conduct for all hospital staff on protecting patient privacy.

In addition to the flyer, design an agenda of the various topics they will cover in the workshop on the various topics all employees within the facility need to be aware of. Examples might include:

Not talking about patients in the elevator
Backing down computers when you leave the work station
Not having computer screens visible to public/use screen blockers
Don't leave pt information visible to public (paper records)
Correct disposal of pt information (Shred-It, shredding etc)
Physicians not to leave cell phones unattended
Password changes every six months


You are responsible to advertise a workshop for all hospital staff on protecting patient privacy.

Create a professional flyer advertising the workshop on protecting patient privacy. Also include the date, time, and where the meeting will take place.

Design an agenda of the various topics you will cover in the hour long workshop.

You will present your project to your classmates per your instructor's instruction.

Reference no: EM13749598

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