Create a professional business application

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Reference no: EM133121932

BISM7202 Excel Assignment


This assignment requires you to create a professional business application using Microsoft Excel 2019 / Microsoft Excel 365. The purpose of this assignment is to test the student's ability to operate and manage business data in spreadsheets. The assignment requires no prior technical background. Moreover, it is designed for business students in general to appreciate basic IS applications. Prior familiarity with the software tool could be beneficial but will not guarantee a significant advantage or higher marks.

Through tutorials, students are exposed to practical exercises like those in the assignment and develop the skills to manage business data in Excel to complete this assignment. It is essential that students carry out the required readings and preparation for each tutorial before attending/attempting each tutorial and this assignment.

Your Task
This assignment requires you to complete an Excel workbook file using Microsoft Excel 2019 / Microsoft Excel 365 based on the specification in this document. The Excel workbook contains several sheets you should develop.

Pacific Property Pty Ltd is a real estate agency specialising in property rentals in the western suburbs of Brisbane. Pacific Property operates from five different office locations around the western suburbs to provide owners and tenants with the best possible service. A large number of property owners entrust their properties to the property managers. Tenants are able to lease properties for a period of 13, 26, or 52 weeks.

Charli D'Arcy-Irvine, one of the owners of Pacific Property, has asked you to improve their information system for managing their rental properties. She has provided you with a sample of properties the business managed during the 2020-21 financial year. She would like you to complete the workbook containing multiple spreadsheets to analyse the business.

Documentation Sheet
First enter your details: Student name and student number (8 digits without an ‘s').

In addition, list any assumptions that you have made when you developed your assignment. The assumptions allow examiners to understand your work in context. If you do not make any assumptions, please leave the section empty. Assumptions to be considered when marking must be logical.

Constant Sheet
This sheet contains all the lookup tables that you will need to use in the assignment. When using lookup tables in your formulas, please make sure they are accessed using appropriate named ranges. In fact, appropriate named ranges should be used as much as possible throughout the whole workbook.

Employee Salary Table
Employees are paid at different rates based on their job title. Each job comes with a different employer superannuation percentage rate. The details of the different job descriptions are presented below. You are required to complete the data entry of the table in the workbook.

Annual Tax Table
Income Tax is withheld using the following tax rates for 2020-21. This information has been entered for you in the Constants Sheet.

Employee Superannuation Table
Employees at Pacific Property have collectively agreed to contribute a percentage of their post-tax annual salary to their superannuation fund based on their age at the end of the financial year. You are required to complete the data entry of the table in the workbook.
o Employees aged under 40 have elected to sacrifice 2.5%.
o Employees aged 40 and over (but younger than 50) have elected to sacrifice 3%.
o Employees aged 50 and over (but younger than 65) have elected to sacrifice 3.5%.
o Employees aged 65 and over have elected to sacrifice 4.5%.

Service Bonus Table
Employees at Pacific Property who have had extended service with the company are paid an annual bonus. You are required to complete the data entry of the table in the workbook.
o Employees who have been employed for at least 2 years at the beginning of the calendar year receive a 1.5% bonus on their annual salary.
o Employees who have been employed for at least 3 years at the beginning of the calendar year receive a 2% bonus on their annual salary.
o Employees who have been employed for at least 5 years at the beginning of the calendar year receive a 4% bonus on their annual salary.
o Employees who have been employed for at least 7 years at the beginning of the calendar year receive a 5.25% bonus on their annual salary.
o Employees who have been employed for at least 10 years at the beginning of the calendar year receive a 7% bonus on their annual salary.

Beginning of the Calendar Year
Please enter the first day of the calendar year of 2020.

Beginning of the Financial Year
Please enter the first day of the financial year of 2020-21.

Distance Survey Table
Each office manages different properties in various suburbs. Recently, a survey of distances between offices and suburbs was completed based on actual travel distance rather than physical distance. This table shows the distances from the office suburbs to the property suburbs. In each cell, the first suburb indicates the office location and the second suburb indicates the suburb where the property is located. This information has been entered for you.

Employees Sheet
The employee sheet keeps track of the employees currently employed at Pacific Property. You're required to complete this sheet using the information provided.

Your first task is to insert a lookup-based formula to retrieve the annual salary of the employee based on their jobs. Following this, insert formulas to calculate the employer and employee superannuation contributions. Please note that employer superannuation is not included in the employee's annual salary. Next, insert a lookup-based formula to calculate the commission that a property manager earns based on the rent paid for the property he manages. The commission rate is 2% as per the Business Income Sheet. Also, insert a lookup-based formula to determine the service bonus. Then use a
lookup-based formula to calculate the annual income tax based on their taxable income. Finally, insert a formula to determine the annual take-home balance, for each employee - this is how much is deposited into their bank accounts during the year.

Business Income Sheet
This sheet lists the property managers of the business. It shows the number of properties that an employee manages, along with the amount of rent the business received from those properties. From the rent to be received, the owner receives 89%; the business receives 9%; and the employee receives 2% as a commission. The commission should be calculated in the Employees Sheet.

Office Location Analysis
Using the information on the Employees Sheet and Business Income Sheet create a new Data Model and generate a PivotTable which shows the total annual rent paid to different offices. Make sure the PivotTable has meaningful label headers.

Using the created PivotTable, create a PivotChart and move it to a new sheet with a meaningful sheet name. Format the chart as a Pie Chart with a meaningful chart title to show each office's suburb, total annual rent income and its percentage.

Properties Sheet
This sheet contains a basic setup to apply advanced filtering to a database.

You have been provided with a data file consisting of rental property information. You are required to import the details from the file into this sheet starting from row 12 of the spreadsheet. This will become the database for filtering. Make sure there're no duplicated headings.

Using two named ranges (Database and Criteria), set up an AND-based filter for the criteria entered in the Criteria range and show all properties in St Lucia. Using the same named ranges, apply database functions to calculate the total, minimum, average and maximum values for the listed headings. The formulas should be robust and not display errors. When you submit your assignment, make sure the advanced filtering with the criteria "St Lucia" is active.

ABS Data - Median Weekly Rent
This sheet includes data from Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) 2016 Census data (this is still the latest census data. The new census data will be released in June 2022). The sheet shows median rent by Statistical Area 2 (SA2).
In major urban areas, SA2s often reflect one or more related suburbs. The SA2 is the smallest area for the release of many ABS statistics.

Suburb to SA2
This sheet includes a mapping of Suburbs (Localities) to Statistical Area 2 (SA2) codes. It also includes approximate geographical coordinates (longitude and latitude) for each suburb.

Complete the Benchmarking sheet by including median weekly rent of properties managed by Pacific Property in each suburb vs median weekly rent of all of the properties in the same SA2 (as reflected in ABS census data).
Use conditional formatting (red fill colour) to highlight suburbs in which Pacific Property properties median weekly rent is smaller than the suburb median rent.

Based on this data, create a 3D Map with a Clustered Column Chart that visualises median weekly rent of properties managed by Pacific Property in each suburb vs median weekly rent of all of the properties in the same SA2.

Hint: you need to use the data from Suburb to SA2 Sheet. Note that geographical coordinates (longitude and latitude) are approximate. Often, different suburbs are given the same longitude and latitude values. Given the geographical proximity of these suburbs, it is okay to display the merged values on the same point. However, make sure the median weekly rent values that are visualised on the map are valid and meaningful (even if they represent merged values from multiple suburbs).

Property Analysis
Using the information on the Properties Sheet, create a PivotTable on a new sheet to analyse the locations and properties. On the PivotTable, show the label headings as dwelling type, broken down by the property suburb and grouped by the office which the property is managed by. Make sure the table displays the average weekly rent for the property suburb and dwelling type.

Using the created PivotTable, create a PivotChart and move it to a new sheet with a meaningful sheet name. Format the chart as a clustered column PivotChart with a meaningful chart title.

Office Redistribution Sheet
This sheet shows the current suburb allocation and number of properties in each suburb. Your task is to run a Solver to reallocate property suburbs to various offices to ensure the property managers do not have to travel too far from their offices to the properties. Using a mix of text and lookup formulas, retrieve the distances from the Distance Survey Table on the Constant Sheet.

The redistribution has been discussed previously and the following requirements have been identified:
o Each suburb should be managed by only one single office.
o Each office should be responsible for a maximum of ten suburbs and a maximum of three hundred properties.
o Properties should be managed by the closest office, where possible, to ensure the property managers and tenants do not need to travel too far.
o If a suburb has an office, it must be serviced by that office.

To easily identify the suburbs and offices which require changes, use conditional formatting to highlight (background) the suburb names in green if they stay the same and yellow if they change. Where changes exist, highlight (background) the old allocation in red and the new allocation in blue (both with white text). Save the results of Solver to an answer sheet and restore the original values before submitting. Make sure you save your work before running Solver. Also, be mindful when choosing solving method.

Short-Stay Holiday Rentals Sheet
Pacific Property Pty Ltd has recently expanded into providing short-stay holiday rentals in Brisbane in addition to long term rentals. You are required to perform a What-If Analysis using a number of scenarios to see what the possible revenue will be for the venture. You can leave Midweek information blank. But, insert proper formulas in the file (if the information is provided later on, the spreadsheet should still be functional). A basic structure has been provided for you to complete. perform a What-If Analysis using the following information:

Current Scenario
Pacific Property Pty Ltd has 10 properties which are rented out for three-night weekend getaways for $700 each. The properties have in the past year each been rented for 40 weekends. 100 of these bookings ordered the premium service for an additional $100. A single employee is responsible for managing the short stay rentals and is paid an annual salary of $44,007. Only 25% of the employee's work is attributed to managing the holiday rentals. The business earns 40% of the rent on each property; the remaining 60% is the owners' in its entirety. Cleaning costs of $120 need to be paid after each booking by the business. Sundry expenses of the business for the holiday rentals is a flat $5000 a year. Premium bookings include a bottle of wine for each night and chocolates on arrival. The wine costs $14.98 and chocolates cost $5.45.

Calculate the total income, total expenses and total profit values.

Scenarios to Consider (12 scenarios)
Bookings Variations - 4 Input Varieties
o Current bookings - As per current scenario.
o Lower bookings - Bookings decline to only 32 bookings for each property and premium bookings decline to 80 bookings.
o Higher bookings - Bookings increase to 45 bookings for each property and premium bookings increase to 150 bookings.

o Maximum bookings - Bookings increase to 52 bookings for each property and premium bookings to 200 bookings.
Additional Costs - 3 Input Varieties
o No change to employee workload or cleaning costs - As per current scenario.
o Employee workload increase - Employee spends 50% of their time working on the weekend rentals.
o Cleaning costs increase - Cleaning costs increase to $140.
Save the results of the scenarios to a new sheet, which contains meaningful labels for each of the values.

Insight to Charli
After completing the excel workbook, provide insightful discussion in regard to the weakness and the strength of the business analysis model (i.e., this workbook). Provide suggestions to Charli if there is room for improvement. Length requirement is a 5 -6 sentences' paragraph.

Implementation Guidance, Formatting and Professionalism
You must use Microsoft Excel 2019 (or Microsoft Excel 365) for this assignment. Any of the previous Microsoft Excel versions (e.g. Microsoft Excel 2007) might cause some unnecessary problems. It is highly recommended that, prior to assignment submission, you check that your solution works on the university computers if you have developed it on your own device.

Please develop your solution based on the provided files. In general, you are not allowed to insert any other columns or tables. If you modify any existing features (except where explicitly instructed), please specify and explain them in the assumption section on the student details sheet. When you develop your solution, you should use (but are not limited to) the functions and features you were taught in the tutorials. If you need functions or techniques that are not addressed explicitly in tutorial exercises, you should explore your pre-tutorial reading materials and preparation exercises or refer to the help component of Excel. Aspects of the assignment have purposefully been designed to train and test a student's self-learning ability with a software application, and thus, has not been included directly in a tutorial exercise.

Pacific Property Pty Ltd is operated in a professional manner and it is expected that your Excel workbook will be used by other staff, and potentially updated in the future by others. Therefore, you would be well advised to make your work of the highest quality (e.g. apply screen freezing to long pages, use name references where appropriate, use lookup functions instead of nested If()s where a data table exists, do not hardcode changeable data, use appropriate fonts and colours, graph axes and titles, etc). Keep in mind, however, that your work will be judged primarily on the quality of your solution, less on their appearance.

Attachment:- Excel Assignment.rar

Reference no: EM133121932

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4/9/2022 3:32:34 AM

Brief for Work requirements Template for word formation Sample for the idea to do the work accordingly (Also need collusion report)

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