Create a production planning and inventory control plan

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM133652427


You're an entrepreneur and an inventor who has come up with a new product and business model. Since you have received your degree from Golden Gate University you understand that businesses succeed when they a solid business plan which includes the manufacturing planning and control strategy which impacts the company's budget and competitiveness. With this understanding and the knowledge obtained from OP121 you decide to create a production planning and inventory control plan for your company. You intend to present this plan to potential and/or existing business partners and/or financial backers.



Reference no: EM133652427

Questions Cloud

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Discuss the factors that can in?uence market opportunities : Discuss the factors that can in?uence market opportunities. Use examples to support your answer.
Establish the precise goals of the external analysis : The first step for leadership should be to establish the precise goals of the external analysis. What precisely are they hoping to comprehend or accomplish?
Define cokes business model for the next century : In Search of a New Model" presents a simulated practical experience to the reader, allowing them to learn about real-life problems in the business world.
Create a production planning and inventory control plan : With this understanding and the knowledge obtained from OP121 you decide to create a production planning and inventory control plan for your company.
Summary of norc and morgan health partnership : Provide an executive summary of NORC and Morgan Health partnership. Highlight any key wins or accomplishments.
What is teslas corporate strategy : What is Tesla's corporate strategy? Do you believe that it can be a source of competitive advantage? Why, or why not?
How business codes of conduct improve customer service : Explain how industry or business codes of conduct improve customer service? Your answer must be 1-2 sentences.
Explain the value of each gambit to the negotiation process : Using the contrast principle, outline two potential negotiating tactics that you would recommend Sharon Slade use in the negotiation meeting with Alice Jones.


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