Create a process flow diagram for the electric fan supply

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM13792664

Write a paper of no more than 1,400-words that includes the following:

Determine Riordan's manufacturing strategy (chase, level, or combination) and explain its benefits

Create a process flow diagram for the electric fan supply chain

Select two metrics to evaluate performance of the electric fan supply chain

Describe the supplier relationship and the effects on the supply chain. As part of this consider the following:

Type of relationship

Supplier location, size of company, and financial stability

Metrics used to measure supplier performance (on-time delivery, defects, etc)

Supplier improvement strategies

Describe how lean production principles may be used to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of the electric fan supply chain process

Select a business forecasting technique (qualitative or quantitative) for the electric fans and describe the forecasting process to be used at Riordan

Create a sales forecast for electric fans using selected techniques

Develop Aggregate Production Plan, Master Schedule, and Materials Requirement Plans for electric fans based off the sales forecast. Be sure to include the following:

The determination of inventory requirements of the electric fans component parts and finished goods

The selection of an appropriate inventory system (fixed order quantity, two bin method, etc.) to meet inventory requirements

Reference no: EM13792664

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