Create a proc contents in order to see the names

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Reference no: EM132309325

DATA ANALYSIS ASSIGNMENT : Analysis of Kaiser-Permanent Data Set

You should know the difference between Description and Hypothesis

Describing the study precedes analysis

1. Study background (where, when, who, and how, i.e. study design)

2. Sample characteristics (homogeneous, comparison)


1. Formalize research question

2. Draw conclusion

Internal and external comparison


1. Go to the SAS On-Demand for Academics website, log in to your account

2. Create a new program by clicking on the second icon in the left window panel.

3. The first line of your program should be a LIBNAME statement. This will grant you access to the library that contains the Kaiser Permanente dataset (called “old”).

4. Create a PROC CONTENTS in order to see the names and types of variables contained in this dataset as well as the labels for each variable. To do this, type:


Do not forget the semi-colons after “old” and “run”!!

5. After you’ve highlighted the code for the procedure, click on the icon at the top that looks like a running man.This will run the procedure.


6. Compute the probability of still being alive at the end of the study period (DTHFLAG = 0) and the confidence interval for this probability


7. Researchers want to know if there is a statistically significant difference in the mean value of age for those who died compared to those who did not die? Conduct an independent t-test to determine if there is a significant difference in age (AGE_COMP) between people who died and those who did not (DTHFLAG).

8.Compute the odds ratio of death (DTHFLAG) for males versus females (SEX).

9. Write a one page summary of your analysis. Explain all your findings for steps 6, 7, and 8, in terms of both the point estimates (odds ratios) and the confidence limits (95% confidence intervals).Be as descriptive as possible and make sure to follow the 5-step process for hypothesis testing that you learned in chapter 7. With this summary you will be moving from descriptive analysis to inferential analysis. You can now discuss the relationship between the two variables you are analyzing; whereas before, you could only describe the individual variable you were analyzing.

See the attached file for assignment details:


Reference no: EM132309325

Questions Cloud

Define the contingency leadership : Define the contingency leadership. What are the characteristics of contingency leadership and give examples.
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Why accounting would be considered the language of business : When there are so many other options, why do you suppose accounting would be considered the language of business? Thinking about your experience as a consumer.
What are the characteristics of trait leadership : Define the trait leadership. What are the characteristics of trait leadership and give examples.
Create a proc contents in order to see the names : Go to the SAS On-Demand for Academics website, log in to your account. Create a new program by clicking on the second icon in the left window panel.
Justify the important of teamwork : a) Justify the important of teamwork in this type of scenario b) Explain what made international teamwork effective
Is there anything wrong with businesses : Is there anything wrong with businesses taking advantage of the "tourist" climate despite the historical events that took place on the very site? Why or why not
Explain the basic treasury management issues : Basic Treasury functions of the Organisation (in order of importance) - List and explain the basic treasury management issues
Differences between laws-morals-ethics and religious : What are some similarities and differences between laws, morals, ethics, and religious beliefs?



5/21/2019 2:08:53 AM

For every statement you make about a variable, in your interpretation, make sure to support that statement with evidence from the descriptive statistics you have produced.Also, this paper should be typed and double-spaced in a Word document and submitted in the dropbox for this assignment. As always, do not forget to type your name in the document!

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