Create a presentation for a charity you feel strongly

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Reference no: EM133640370

Question: In this exercise you will create a presentation for a charity you feel strongly about to educate others about it first you decide known charity you support or agree with if you don't know anything of a few ideas for charities such as saving animals or the environment ensuring human rights curing disease etcetera and then search the Internet for a reputable charity that deals with one of those topics. Create a blank presentation and apply the design theme and variation of your choice use the charity name as the slide title and type a short descriptive phrase for the subtitle. Add a title and content slide that lists at least four actions that charity takes toward bettering its cause period add a two content slide on the left list a few facts about the charity on the right list ways to donate to the charity create a final slide with section header layout that duplicates the content on the title slide view the presentation as a slideshow and make a mental note of anything you want to change when the slide ends make your changes and save your presentation

Reference no: EM133640370

Questions Cloud

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How can you be more intentional about listening : How can you be more intentional about listening to more perspectives and interpretations of Scripture? How might doing so equip you to serve in a ministry
How does it affect the first pregnancy : What is RH blood type? How does it affect the first pregnancy? How does it affect the woman's body in the future?
How did you find overall quality of available evidence : What types of evidence were easiest to find (quantitative, qualitative, reviews, practice guidelines)? How did you find overall quality of available evidence?
Create a presentation for a charity you feel strongly : Create a presentation for a charity you feel strongly about to educate others about it first you decide known charity you support or agree
Read a few case studies in the ahrqs impact on health care : Explore the AHRQ website and pick a quality care initiative that may impact quality client care in hospitals or areas of industry that deliver health care.
Outline for your doctrine of creation paper : Outline for your doctrine of creation paper with the main subpoints you plan to include. The outline is only a starting point
Research and scientific solutions addressing the problem : Research and scientific solutions addressing the problem in that country or region. If none available, describe the research on the topic
State constitutions equal rights amendment : According to LGBTQ+ Legal History, which state had first case which ruled that same-sex marriage was legal given state constitution's equal rights amendment


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