Create a powerpoint presentation to teach your classmates

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM131034719

Project Description

For your Final Project you will create a PowerPoint presentation to teach your classmates about a biotechnology topic. Your presentation must have supportive images and a references page (with at least 5 HIGH QUALITY sources - professional journals or articles from reliable organizations or individuals - NOT just popular press/casual internet sources). PowerPoint presentation is preferable and you should aim to produce 20 to 25 slides including some supportive images and a references slide. The slides should contain IN-TEXT CITATIONS of your references. References should be cited using a standard citation format (i.e. APA, MLA, CBE)

A PowerPoint presentation should still be your ORIGINAL WORK....not just copying/pasting statements from sources. If more than 10% of your material is directly quoted then it's TOO MUCH. 20-25 slides of ORIGINAL CONTENT should put you in the ballpark of 1000-1500 words. Prepare in sentences where appropriate....consider writing your slides out in a word processing document before moving it to PowerPoint if you're worried about fulfilling these guidelines.(If you are unable to use PowerPoint, you may substitute an essay-style paper of at least 1000-1500 words; in addition, you need to include a reference list.)

Reference no: EM131034719

Questions Cloud

Estimating and testing population variance : Estimating and testing population variance. A simple random sample was drawn from a normal population with unknown variance σ²: Observation: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 x: 13.9, 18.8, 19.2, 15.6, 21.5. What information justifies a Chi-square sampling distribution ..
Describe targets value chain : Analyze and discuss the Target as it relates to its resources, capabilities and core competencies. There are 4 characteristics of core competencies that lead to a competitive advantage? Does this Target have those?  If so, how did they achieve it? If..
What is the expected value for the rezoned apartments : A builder has located a piece of property that she would like to buy and eventually build on. The land is currently zoned for four homes per acre, but she is planning to request new zoning. What is the expected value for the rezoned shopping center? ..
Detailed description and implementation plan for innovation : Develop a detailed description and implementation plan for the innovation selected to pursue which is: A breathalyzer type of device to test for marijuana. Research and describe a product development or management process, methodology, or model that ..
Create a powerpoint presentation to teach your classmates : For your Final Project you will create a PowerPoint presentation to teach your classmates about a biotechnology topic. Your presentation must have supportive images and a references page.
Is the solution degenerate and is the solution unique : Is the solution degenerate? Is the solution unique? Explain the signs of the reduced costs for each of the decision variables. That is, considering the optimal value of each decision variable, why does the sign of its assosciated reduced costs make e..
Separating and integrating sourcing and logistics functions : Discuss pros and cons of "separating" and "integrating" the sourcing and logistics functions. Examine whether this BPM project of Gap led to the right decision to split them.
Many costs for a food service establishment : There are many costs for a food service establishment that are related to having a foodborne illness outbreak. Describe a recent foodborne illness outbreak and the associated cost. As you discuss the associated cost, you will want to discuss the foll..
Requesting federal funding for a park-and-ride project : A large eastern city is requesting federal funding for a park-and-ride project. One of the requirements in the request application is a network plan for the design phase of the project. Catherine Walker, the chief engineer, wants you to develop a pro..


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Biology Questions & Answers

  Immune response to infectious disease

It is a very curcial concept to understand how the immune response is mounted against viruses, bacteria, protozoans and helminthes. For an effective immune response, both innate and adaptive immunity should work together.

  A review on advanced glycated end products (ages)

This Project report elaborates a critical review of important elements attached to Advanced Glycated End Products (AGEs). It is very crucial to understand the process called Millard reaction.

  Plastic as a soil stabilizer

Soil stabilization is the permanent physical and chemical alteration of soils to enhance their physical properties. Stabilization can increase the shear strength of a soil and control the shrink-swell properties.

  Principles of microbiology

This assignment has three parts which contains questions related to Microbiology. It contains basic principles of microscopy, staining techniques in microbiology and microbial growth in the food industry.

  List the biologic functions

Lipid metabolites are often seen as key elements in cellular signaling. Is this unique? Please provide several examples of the function of lipids as key elements in signal arrays and list the biologic functions these signals affect?

  Biologic function relationships

Please describe how one might search for chemical structure, biologic function relationships, involving small molecular weight lipophylic compounds. Provide one example.

  Case study on patient in the haematology laboratory

Write a case study which detailing a scenario of a patient being investigated in the Haematology laboratory.

  Use of pcr and genetic approaches in biotechnology

The use of PCR and genetic approaches in biotechnology

  Describe the role of this enzyme in honey

Glucose oxidase is an enzyme that can be used for measurements of glucose levels by combining this reaction with an oxygen probe.

  Genetic problems

What phenotypic ratio would you get if you crossed a white mouse and a heterozygous brown mouse?

  Prepare an essay on nosocomial infection

Prepare an essay on nosocomial infection.

  Monitoring and recording the blood pressure

To increase the awareness of monitoring and recording the blood pressure of patients and practice measuring blood pressure in a safe environment.

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