Create a power­point presentation and summarise learning

Assignment Help Software Engineering
Reference no: EM133673695

Software Quality and Testing

Task: Evidence learning for the topic Overview

You need to demonstrate and provide evidence of your understanding of the topic this week. In this first week the necessity of testing in software development has been introduced briefly. Several real­life software failures were discussed. The necessity of testing at every level of software development has also been discussed. It is time for you to reflect on your own understanding of this week's learning materials on the unit site as well as in the active learning session.

For this task, you will need to go through the weekly learning materials in the unit site and participate in activities during the weekly active learning session.

Submit a pdf combining below items ­
Summary of learning in few slides of each topic item
Evidence of activities from the active learning session.
You want to focus on the following key ideas, and make sure you can explain them in relation to your submission.
Understanding software quality, faults and necessity of testing.
Reflect how some of these ideas can be useful in real world scenarios.
For this task, you will need to
Go through each topic presented in the unit site for this week.
Create a power­point presentation and summarise learning of each topic into a few slides by including mind­maps, examples, use­cases or any other evidence as suitable.
Use the same power­point file to add other topics as required.
Append the same power­point with learning evidence from the active learning session.

Complete your work

After your submission, your OnTrack reviewer (tutor) will review your submission and give you feedback in about 5 business days. Your reviewer may further ask you some questions on the weekly topics and/or about your submissions. You are required to address your OnTrack reviewer's questions as a form of task discussions. Please frequently login to OnTrack for the task Discuss/Demonstrate or Resubmit equivalent to fix your work (if needed) based on the feedback to get your task signed as Complete.

Reference no: EM133673695

Questions Cloud

Element of business and intercultural communication : Which element of business and intercultural communication is least in your control: the timing of your message the channel
Describe informal communication channel : What is the term used to describe an informal communication channel that carries information, often unofficial, in many different directions?
What do the accords do to improve communication measurement : What do the accords do to improve communication measurement? How (or do) these accords work in your professional life?
Identify one ethical challenge that affects your client : Identify 1 ethical challenge that affects your client. Examine the role you will have as an advocate. Discuss how advocacy can be used for this situation.
Create a power­point presentation and summarise learning : SIT707 Software Quality and Testing, Deakin University - Create a power­point presentation and summarise learning of each topic into a few slides by including
Define organizational communication : How would you define organizational communication? How does organizational communication differ from other types of communication you've studied?
Identify available community resources for a safe : Develop the Preliminary Care Coordination Plan. Identify available community resources for a safe and effective continuum of care.
Is the meme appropriate for all audiences : Does the meme reflect a stereotype? Explain. Is the image in the meme inclusive? Explain. Is the meme appropriate for all audiences? Explain.
Discuss two ways you can use this tool in your personal life : Describe one thing that was easy for you and one thing that was challenging as you used the tool. Discuss two ways you can use this tool in your personal life.


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