Create a plot of the measured snr (db) versus number of bits

Assignment Help Electrical Engineering
Reference no: EM131084024

Performance evaluation of seismic data quantization:

The seismic signal, a measurement of the acceleration of ground motion, is required for applications in the study of geophysics. The seismic signal ("seismic.dat" provided by the US Geological Survey, Albuquerque Seismological Laboratory) has a sampling rate of 15 Hz with 6,700 data samples, and each sample is encoded using 32 bits. Quantizing each 32-bit sample down to the lower number of bits per sample can reduce the memory storage requirement with the trade-off of reduced signal quality. Use Programs 2.3 to 2.5 and modify Program 2.2 to quantize the seismic data using 13, 15, 17, ., 31 bits. The SNR in dB must be measured for each quantization. Create a plot of the measured SNR (dB) versus the number of bits. For comparison, plot the seismic data and the quantized one using 13 bits, 18 bits, 25 bits, and 31 bits.

Reference no: EM131084024

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