Create a pivot table for all customers and their volume

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM133391719

Question 1. Use this 2020 Hospital Data 4, and for the highest volume customer, and the 3rd highest volume customer:
• calculate the mean, median, mode, range
• perform a t-test (be sure to identify the alternative and null hypotheses) that the means are different

Question 2. Perform an ABC analysis on these data and also create a pivot table for all customers and their volume

Question 3. For the top volume customer, calculate the EOQ for the top 3 items (use 20% holding cost, and $87.50 ordering cost. assume the annual demand is the total demand for 2020).

Question 4. Create a regression, with demand as the dependent variable, and choose your own independent variables (be sure that you justify their inclusion into the model)

Attachment:- HospitalData.rar

Reference no: EM133391719

Questions Cloud

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