Create a paragraph evaluating the source

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133288903

Question: You know the drill; this week you are going to look at lots of sources and find two solid ones you feel will help you achieve your research goals. It is always good to use a combination of different types of sources (consider using .gov, .edu, .org, academic articles, magazine articles, news paper articles, and websites--but not only websites).

Complete this assignment as a PDF, Google or Word Doc and attach it to your post (if you type it into the text-box, your formatting will be wonky and you won't have a saved draft of your work).
Write out your general purpose
Write out your specific purpose
Write out your proposition

Create a rough draft annotated bibliography entry for two sources. Each entry should:

Start with an MLA style citation--this page can help you with creating and formatting MLA citations.

Follow the citation with a summary paragraph--summary paragraphs should be thorough and clear, sticking to the main points of the source and should not include personal opinions or evaluative comments (evaluative comments go in paragraph 2 and personal comments would only go in paragraph 3).

Create a second paragraph evaluating the source--you will need to follow the guidelines we discussed in the How to Evaluate Sources page.

Create a third paragraph discussing how the info in this source helps you achieve your research goals and what information from the source you might use in your speech, and how that information will affect your audience to help you reach your specific purpose (keep your proposition in mind!).

Reference no: EM133288903

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