Reference no: EM133791587
Question: The project objective is to make an advanced website which is more attractive and having more features and options. The current company website.
Please look at this example website for your reference and make a similar one
Features that need to be added in the website:
Add more videos and animations in the home page and other page (videos that are related to electrical company)
Add Chatbot feature to the website
Create a page with power bi report that can be accessed by admin people by using the sign in/ sign up option. Please add a demo username and credentials as admin, so that when logged in with that credentials we can see the power bi report page. (Use some dummy data for the report)
Power bi report can be like ongoing projects, upcoming projects, revenue, project delays, duration etc.
Sign in/ Sign up page for regular customers where they can the view the history of past works, they done with the company. Please use some dummy data associated with a dummy customer to show this feature.
In About Us - meet our team (these details are available in the capability statement provided).
In Our services- give the services provided by them, their projects, option to download the capability statement.