Create a page and datalayer code for retrieve contract info

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM131842792

Case Project Assignment- Statement of Work

Create a page, code and datalayer code for Retrieve Contract Info for this project.

Taylor's Professional Services (TPS)
eCommerce Web Site

1. System Description

Taylor's Professional Services is a technical and engineering staffing service. When a TPS client company determines that it will need a temporary professional or scientific employee, it issues a staffing request against the contract it previously negotiated with TPS.

TPS wants to provide a web site so that their clients can complete a staffing request over the internet. In addition, TPS wants to provide their clients with a list of potential candidates based on experience, education, salary, and location. A client will be able to select up to three potential staff members along with the location of work, type of work, and salary and submit the request to the contract manager. Once a client issues a staffing request, the system shall provide an automated response stating that the contract manager will validate their request within 24 hours of receipt.

Once a staffing request has been issued, the client will be able to log into the site and search for a staff request by number. The staff request query will result in a page that contains all staff request information along with a field that states whether the staff request is valid, invalid, unable to fill, or filled.

In addition, TPS staff members should be able update their resumes and picture through the web site.

The two areas of the website will be partitioned so that only clients with valid contract numbers and password are able to enter the client area and staff members with only valid employee numbers and password will be able to enter the staff area. Only the contract manager has full access to both locations.

2. Software Deliverables

2.1. Description of Functionality

The application will provide the following functionality:

1. Creation, modification, storage, and retrieval of staffing request information
2. Creation, modification, storage, and retrieval of contract information.
3. Creation, modification, storage, and retrieval of staff information.
4. Creation, modification, storage, and retrieval of user access information.
5. Allows a client to enter a staffing request into the database.
6. Allows a client to retrieve staffing request information.
7. Allows the contract manager to retrieve a staffing request from the database
8. Allows the contract manager to retrieve contract information
9. Allows the contract manager to validate the staffing request
10. Allows the contract manager to close out the staffing request.
11. Allows a staff member to update their personal information, resume, availability, and picture.

2.2. List of major software components

1. Access Control
2. Database Management
3. Client Interface
4. Contract Manager Interface and Business Rules

3. Equipment and Hardware Requirements

1. Small business network, with no more than 20 nodes
2. Standard Windows 2000/XP workstations.
3. MS Office 2000/XP, with MS Access
4. MS Outlook 2000/XP

4. Documentation

4.1. User Documentation

The contractor shall supply basic training user manuals describing each of the operations in a MS Word document.

4.2. Development Documentation

The contractor shall supply all Planning, Requirements, Design, and Source code.

5. Testing

5.1. Test Plan and Procedures

The contractor shall supply a test plan and procedures for each level of testing.

5.2. Unit Test Case Results

The contractor shall supply the results of the unit tests.

5.3. Integration Test Case Results

The contractor shall supply the results of the integration test.

5.4. Acceptance Test Case Results

The contractor shall supply the results of the acceptance test.

Reference no: EM131842792

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