Create a new web site using either visual web developer

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM13802015

For this project, you will use either Visual Web Developer or Visual Studio. Both products can be obtained free of charge from the Microsoft Web site. If you already have the full versions of either of these products, they can be used, but the free, Express editions can also be used. For this project, you will create the shell Web site for the e-commerce system, and you will provide a basic implementation of one key element. This is a big project, so an early start is strongly encouraged.

The project deliverables are as follows:

  • Shell Creation:
    • Create a new Web site using either Visual Web Developer or Visual Studio.
    • Add pages for each of the main parts of the Web site (most of the pages only need basic content, such as a title and short descriptive paragraph of the function of the page).
    • Add a functional navigation system to all pages.
  • Key Element Implementation:
    • Select 1 of the key elements of the system for implementation (such as catalog display, payment, etc.).
    • Implement the functionality of the selected element.
    • Implementation must only be rudimentary, and shortcuts can be made. For example, the display of the product catalog and selection of items to place in a shopping cart.
  • Implementation Documentation:
    • In the Implementation section of the E-commerce Implementation Plan document, discuss the implementation.
    • Describe the selected element functionality and how the code works.
    • Include any information that is required to successfully demonstrate the implemented functionality.

Reference no: EM13802015

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  Importance of a guided navigation system

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