Create a new thread in the discussion board

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Reference no: EM131559400

For each critique, you must reserve a unique article based on a first-come, first-serve basis using the Discussion Board. Early in the assigned module/week, you will create a new thread in the Discussion Board that will reserve the article you would like to critique.

In the subject line, include the the author(s), the article title, and the year it was published. In the message box, provide the full citation, adhering to APA standards.

Be sure that none of your classmates has reserved the article you have chosen. Once the article is reserved and the Article Critique is completed, submit it through SafeAssign (a plagiarism detection tool) in the assigned module/week.

Each Article Critique must be 2½ - 3 pages and adhere to APA format. It should be composed in a Word document and include a title page, abstract, and bibliography (none of which are included in the page count). Each critique should be exclusively written in your own words--no quotations should be used.

The article you choose can relate to various disciplines within the topics discussed in the modules.

For example, your article may cover sport management, recreation, sociology, religion, etc., provided that these subjects can be related to what you are studying in the course content. Book reviews published by peer-reviewed journals are not acceptable.

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Reference no: EM131559400

Questions Cloud

Role of hardware components and operating system : Develop a 1,050-word summary describing the role of hardware components and operating system software on a computer:
What is minimum amount that he can expect to pay for policy : LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES As a fringe benefit, Dennis Taylor receives a $25,000 life insurance policy from his employer.
What is the discounted payback period for these cash flows : What is the discounted payback period for these cash flows if the initial cost is $9,000?
Record these vehicle purchases in the purchases journal : Invested $340000.00 into the business, depositing it into the bank account. Record these vehicle purchases in the purchases journal
Create a new thread in the discussion board : Create a new thread in the Discussion Board that will reserve the article you would like to critique.
Explain what speech-language pathologists do : Explain what Speech-Language Pathologists do and describe what they offer to the health industry. Please answer in no less than 300-400 words
Employee identification numbers : The program should relate the data in each array through the subscripts. For example, the number in element 0 of the hours array should be the number.
How many dvds can customer entering store be expected to buy : Based on past experience, the manager of the VideoRama Store has compiled the following table, which gives the probabilities that a customer who enters.
What is after-tax cash flow : What is the Net Income for XYZ for the year? What is the After-Tax Cash Flow (ATCF)?


Write a Review

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